Edward Elgar Publishing - Sociology and Social Policy Q2

Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Education Edited by Benedict du Boulay, University of Sussex, UK, Antonija Mitrovic, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and Kalina Yacef, University of Sydney, Australia ‘This is a really great Handbook written by some of the most well known authors in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). It describes both the most important topics and future trends in a very comprehensive way for a wide range of stakeholders.’ – Cristóbal Romero, University of Córdoba, Spain Apr 2023 c 698 pp Hardback 978 1 80037 540 6 £255.00 / $365.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Handbooks in Education Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education Edited by Liudvika Leišytė, Technical University Dortmund, Germany, Jay R. Dee, University of Massachusetts Boston, US and Barend J.R. van der Meulen, University of Twente, the Netherlands ‘A state-of-the-art Handbook on a key institution of our societies. It is a must read for understanding the multiple dynamics of deep change in higher education systems and institutions. Conceptually and empirically rich, multiple perspectives from around the globe highlight the drivers, actors, processes, and effects of transformation in higher education.’ – Jürgen Enders, University of Bath, UK Jun 2023 c 464 pp Hardback 978 1 80037 820 9 c £170.00 / c $250.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Handbooks in Education A Research Agenda for Leadership Learning and Development through Higher Education Edited by Susan R. Komives, University of Maryland and Julie E. Owen, George Mason University, US ‘Stressing the importance of understanding context, Susan Komives and Julie Owen provide leadership researchers a foundation for addressing the critical questions of not only what to study, using what method, but to what end does their research practice matter? Thus, this book works to make a crucial research shift in leadership studies through higher education towards a more equitable and justice-oriented approach, as authors collectively outline challenges, tensions, and possibilities for a more liberatory leadership.’ – Antron D. Mahoney, Ohio Wesleyan University, US Jun 2023 c 272 pp Hardback 978 1 80088 777 0 c £105.00 / c $150.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Research Agendas 6 For our electronic content, visit: elgaronline.com SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY TITLES, APRIL – JUNE 2023