Gunnar Myrdal, Friedrich A. von Hayek, Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North and Amartya K. Sen


Gunnar Myrdal, Friedrich A. von Hayek, Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North and Amartya K. Sen

9781849804011 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Howard R. Vane, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and Chris Mulhearn, formerly Reader in Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Publication Date: 2011 ISBN: 978 1 84980 401 1 Extent: 872 pp
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates’ careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.

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Critical Acclaim
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This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates’ careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Critical Acclaim
‘What a brilliant idea! To provide readers with both information on the Nobel Laureates in Economics and, to the degree possible, the original papers for which they were honored. The names of the “contributing” Laureates speak for themselves. Howard Vane and Chris Mulhearn, the editors, and Edward Elgar, the publisher, are to be congratulated for putting the idea into effect.’
– Warren J. Samuels, Michigan State University, US

‘These volumes complement Vane and Mulhearn’s critically acclaimed book, The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics, and are an indispensable guide to key developments in modern economics.’
– The late Mark Blaug, formerly of the University of London and University of Buckingham, UK

‘The nature, content and boundaries of economics are changing. There is no better way of examining the key contributions that have shaped the discipline in the last half century than by looking at the pioneering works of the Nobel Laureates in Economics. These volumes not only provide a treasure house of material of high intrinsic worth, but also help us to understand what kind of approaches and ideas have been successful in persuading other economists, and thereby provide valuable material for understanding the evolution of the discipline. The idea behind this series of volumes is brilliant.’
– Geoffrey M. Hodgson, University of Hertfordshire Business School, UK
29 articles, dating from 1933 to 2004


General Introduction Howard R. Vane and Chris Mulhearn

Introduction to Part I: Gunnar Myrdal (1898–1987)
1. Gunnar Myrdal (1939), ‘The Concept of Monetary Equilibrium’
2. Gunnar Myrdal (1944a), ‘Facets of the Negro Problem’
3. Gunnar Myrdal (1944b), ‘The Mechanics of Economic Discrimination as a Practical Problem’
4. Gunnar Myrdal (1953), ‘Politics and Political Economy’
5. Gunnar Myrdal (1968), ‘The Mechanism of Underdevelopment and Development and a Sketch of an Elementary Theory of Planning for Development’

Introduction to Part II : Friedrich A. von Hayek (1899–1992)
6. Friedrich A. Hayek (1933), ‘The Fundamental Cause of Cyclical Fluctuations’
7. F.A. von Hayek (1935), ‘The Maintenance of Capital’
8. F.A. von Hayek (1937), ‘Economics and Knowledge’
9. Friedrich A. Hayek (1939), Freedom and the Economic System
10. F.A. Hayek (1945), ‘The Use of Knowledge in Society’
11. F.A. Hayek (1960), ‘Introduction’ and ‘The Safeguards of Individual Liberty’

Introduction to Part III: Robert W. Fogel (b. 1926)
12. Robert W. Fogel (1964), ‘Summary and Interpretation’
13. Robert William Fogel (1989), ‘Unraveling Some Economic Riddles’
14. R.W. Fogel (1992), ‘Second Thoughts on the European Escape from Hunger: Famines, Chronic Malnutrition, and Mortality Rates’
15. Robert W. Fogel (1994), ‘Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Physiology: The Bearing of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy’
16. Robert W. Fogel and Dora L. Costa (1997), ‘A Theory of Technophysio Evolution, with Some Implications for Forecasting Population, Health Care Costs, and Pension Costs’
17. Robert William Fogel (2004), ‘Why the Twentieth Century Was So Remarkable’

Introduction to Part IV: Douglass C. North (b. 1920)
18. Douglass C. North (1961), ‘The Analytical Framework’
19. Douglass C. North (1968), ‘Sources of Productivity Change in Ocean Shipping, 1600–1850’
20. Douglass C. North and Barry R. Weingast (1989), ‘Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England’
21. Douglass C. North (1990), ‘Institutions, Economic Theory, and Economic Performance’
22. Douglass C. North (1991), ‘Institutions’
23. Douglass C. North (1994), ‘Economic Performance Through Time’

Introduction to Part V: Amartya K. Sen (b. 1933)
24. Amartya Sen (1970), ‘The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal’
25. Amartya Sen (1976), ‘Poverty: An Ordinal Approach to Measurement’
26. Amartya Sen (1977a), ‘Starvation and Exchange Entitlements: A General Approach and its Application to the Great Bengal Famine’
27. Amartya K. Sen (1977b), ‘Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory’
28. Amartya Sen (1979), ‘Personal Utilities and Public Judgements: Or What’s Wrong With Welfare Economics?’
29. Amartya Sen (1998), ‘Mortality as an Indicator of Economic Success and Failure’

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