

9781852786076 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Peter E. Morris, Memory Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University, UK and Martin A. Conway, formerly of the Memory Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University, UK
Publication Date: January 1993 ISBN: 978 1 85278 607 6 Extent: 1,556 pp
This valuable reference collection contains many of the major research papers that have identified and explored the structure of human memory. In an accessible and non-technical introduction the editors discuss the critical contribution of each of the papers.

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This valuable reference collection contains many of the major research papers that have identified and explored the structure of human memory. In an accessible and non-technical introduction the editors discuss the critical contribution of each of the papers.
Contributors include: A.D. Baddeley, B.H. Bower, F.I.M. Craik, K.A. Ericsson, E.F. Loftus, D.L. Schacter, E. Tulving
Volume I

General Introduction

Part I:The First explorers

1. Francis Galton (1883), ‘Mental Imagery.’
2. Hermann Ebbinghaus (1885), ‘The Method of Investigation.’
3. William James (1901), ‘Memory.’
4. Sigmund Freud (1924), ‘A Note upon the “Mystic Writing Pad”.’
5. Sir Frederic C. Bartlett (1961), ‘Experiment in Psychology: Its Development.’
6. Sir Frederic C. Bartlett (1961), ‘Experiments on Remembering: The Method of Repeated Reproduction.’
7. Robert S. Woodworth (1938), ‘Memory.’

Part II: Encoding Processes

8. Allan Paivio (1969) ‘Mental Imagery in Associative Learning and Memory.’
9. Gordon H. Bower (1970a), ‘Imagery as a Relational Organizer in Associative Learning.’
10. Gordon H. Bower (1970b), ‘Organizational Factors in Memory.’
11. Delos D. Wilkens (1970), ‘Encoding Categories of Words: An Empirical Approach to Meaning.’
12. John D. Bransford and Marcia K. Johnson (1972), ‘Contextual Prerequisites for Understanding: Some Investigations of Comprehension and Recall.’
13. Endel Tulving (1972), ‘Episodic and Semantic Memory.’
14. Fergus I.M. Craik and Robert S. Lockhart (1972), ‘Levels of Processing: A Framework for Memory Research.’
15. Fergus I. M. Craik and Endel Tulving (1975), ‘Depth of Processing and the Retention of Words in Episodic Memory.’
16. C. Donald Morris, John D. Bransford and Jeffery J. Franks (1977), ‘Levels of Processing Versus Transfer Appropriate Processing.’

Part III: Retrieval Processes

17. John A. McGeoch (1932), ‘Forgetting and the Law of Disuse.’
18. Benton J. Underwood (1957), ‘Interference and Forgetting.’
19. W.A. Bousfield (1953), ‘The Occurrence of Clustering in the Recall of Randomly Arranged Associates.’
20. Murray Glanzer and Anita R. Cunitz (1966), ‘Two Storage Mechanisms in Free Recall.’
21. Roger Brown and David McNeill (1966), ‘The “Tip of the Tongue” Phenomenon.’
22. Endel Tulving and Shirley Osler (1968), ‘Effectiveness of Retrieval Cues in Memory for Words.’
23. Endel Tulving and Donald M. Thomson (1973), ‘Encoding Specificity and Retrieval Processes in Episodic Memory.’
24. Elizabeth F. Loftus and John C. Palmer (1974), ‘Reconstruction of Automobile Destruction: An Example of the Interaction Between Language and Memory.’
25. Elizabeth F. Loftus and Geoffrey R. Loftus (1980), ‘On the Permanence of Stored Information in the Human Brain.’

Part IV: Context

26. James Eric Eich (1980), ‘The Cue-Dependent Nature of State-Dependent Retrieval.’
27. Gordon H. Bower (1981), ‘Mood and Memory.’
28. R. Edward Geiselman (1988), ‘Improving Eyewitness Memory Through Mental Reinstatement of Context.’
Name Index

volume II

General Introduction

Part I: Sensory Memory

1. George Sperling (1960), ‘The Information Available in Brief Visual Presentations.’
2. Robert G. Crowder and John Morton (1960), ‘Precategorical Acoustic Storage (PAS).’

part II: Working Memory

3. George M. Miller (1956), ‘The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information.’
4. Lloyd R. Peterson and Margaret Jean Peterson (1959), ‘Short-Term Retention of Individual Verbal Items.’
5. R. Conrad (1964), ‘Acoustic Confusions in Immediate Memory.’
6. Saul Sternberg (1966), ‘High-Speed Scanning in Human Memory.’
7. R.C. Atkinson and R.M. Shiffin (1968), ‘Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes.’
8. T. Shallice and Elizabeth K. Warrington (1970), ‘Independent Functioning of Verbal Memory Stores: A Neuropsychological Study.’
9. Robert J. Jarvella (1971), ‘Syntactic Processing of Connected Speech.’
10. Alan D. Baddeley and Graham Hitch (1974), ‘Working Memory.’
11. Alan D. Baddeley, Neil Thomson and Mary Buchanan (1975), ‘Word Length and the Structure of Short-Term Memory.’
12. Susan E. Gathercole and Alan D. Baddeley, (1989), ‘Evaluation of the Role of Phonological STM in the Development of Vocabulary in Children: A Longitudinal Study.’

Part iii: Semantic memory

13. Allan M. Collins and M. Ross Quillian (1969), ‘Retrieval Time from Semantic Memory.’
14. John R. Anderson and Gordon H. Brewer (1980), ‘An overview of HAM.’
15. Walter Kintsch (1974), ‘A Propositional Theory for the Representation of Meaning in Knowledge and Memory.’
16. Allan M. Collins and Elizabeth F. Loftus (1975), ‘A Spreading-Activation Theory of Semantic Processing.’
17. Walter Kintsch (1980), ‘Semantic Memory: A Tutorial.’
18. Eleanor Rosch, Carolyn B. Mervis, Wayne D. Gray, David M. Johnson and Penny Boyes-Braem (1976), ‘Basic Objects in Natural Categories.’
19. Lawrence W. Barsalou (1985), ‘Ideas, Central Tendency, and Frequency of Instantation as Determinants of Graded Structure in Categories.’

Part Iv: Neuropsychology of memory

20. William Beecher Scoville and Brenda Milner (1957), ‘Loss of Recent Memory after Bilateral Hippocampal Lesions.’
21. Alan D. Baddeley and Elizabeth K. Warrington (1973), ‘Memory Coding and Amnesia.’
22. Elizabeth K. Warrington and L. Weiskranz (1974), ‘The Effect of Prior Learning on Subsequent Retention in Amnesic Patients.’
23. William D. Marslen–Wilson Hans–Lukar Teuber (1975), ‘Memory for Remote Events in Anterograde Amnesia: Recognition of Public Figures from Newsphotographs.’
24. Laird S. Cermak and Margaret O''Conner (1983), ‘The Anterograde and Retrograde Retrieval Ability of a Patient with Amnesia due to Encephalitis.’
25. Robin G. Morris and Michael D. Kopelman (1986), ‘The Memory of Deficits in Alzheimer-type Dementia: A Review.’
Name Index

Volume III

General Introduction

part I: Expanding into new areas

1. Ulric Neisser (1982), ‘Memory: What Are the Important Questions?’
2. Donald A. Norman and Daniel G. Bobrow (1979), ‘Descriptions: An Intermediate Stage in Memory Retrieval.’
3. Henry L. Roediger (1980), ‘Memory Metaphors in Cognitive Psychology.’
4. William F. Brewer and John R. Pani (1983), ‘The Structure of Human Memory.’
5. Joseph W. Alba and Lynn Hasher (1983), ‘Is Memory Schematic?’
6. Gregory L. Murphy and Douglas L. Medin (1985), ‘The Role of Theories in Conceptual Coherence.’
7. Roger C. Schank (1982), ‘The Kinds of Strictures in Memory.’
8. Marcia K. Johnson and Carol L. Raye (1981), ‘Reality Monitoring.’

part II: The new Territories

9. Raymond S. Nickerson and Marilyn Jager Adams (1979), ‘Long-Term Memory for a Common Object.’
10. K. Anders Ericsson, William G. Chase and Steven Faloon (1980), ‘Acquisition of a Memory Skill.’
11. Harry P. Bahrick (1984), ‘Semantic Memory Content in Permastore: Fifty Years of Memory for Spanish Learned at School.’
12. Peter E. Morris, Margaret Tweedy and Michael M. Gruneberg (1985), ‘Interest, Knowledge and the Memorizing of Soccer Scores.’
Autobiographical Memory
13. Roger Brown and James Kulik (1977), ‘Flashbulb Memories.’
14. M.A. Conway and D.A. Bekerian (1987), ‘Organization in Autobiographical Memory.’
15. David C. Rubin (1982), ‘On the Retention Function for Autobiographical Memory.’
16. John A. Robinson (1976), ‘Sampling Autobiographical Memory.’
Implicit Memory
17. Endel Tulving, Daniel L. Schacter and Heather A. Stark (1982), ‘Priming Effects in Word-Fragment Completion are Independent of Recognition Memory.’
18. Daniel L. Schacter (1987), ‘Implicit Memory: History and Current Status.’
19. Larry L. Jacoby (1983), ‘Remembering the Data: Analyzing Interative Processes in Reading.’
20. John M. Gardiner (1988), ‘Functional Aspects of Recollective Experience.’
Exploring Everyday Memory
21. James Reason and Klara Mycielska (1982), ‘Absent-Minded? The Psychology of Mental Lapses and Everyday Errors.’
22. Andrew W. Young, Dennis C. Hay and Andrew W. Ellis (1985), ‘The Faces that Launched a Thousand Slips: Everyday Difficulties and Errors in Recognizing People.’
23. Gilles O. Einstein and Mark A. McDaniel (1990), ‘Normal Aging and Prospective Memory.’
Name Index
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