Elgar Companion to Adam Smith


Elgar Companion to Adam Smith

9781845420192 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jeffrey T. Young, A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Economics, St Lawrence University, Canton, New York, US
Publication Date: February 2010 ISBN: 978 1 84542 019 2 Extent: 400 pp
This Companion of nineteen essays, accompanied by the editor’s lively introduction, investigates aspects of the philosophical foundations of Adam Smith’s thought as well as his economic analysis and approach to policy. The authors view Adam Smith’s work as an interconnected system of thought, which incorporates both moral philosophy and economics. Adam Smith’s earlier work in moral philosophy The Theory of Moral Sentiments receives significant consideration. The authors offer important connections and insights into the sort of economics Adam Smith is more widely known for in his Wealth of Nations.

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This Companion of nineteen essays, accompanied by the editor’s introduction, investigates aspects of the philosophical foundations of Adam Smith’s thought as well as his economic analysis and approach to policy.

The authors view Adam Smith’s work as an interconnected system of thought, which incorporates both moral philosophy and economics. His earlier work in moral philosophy, The Theory of Moral Sentiments receives significant consideration and the contributors also discuss important connections and insights into the sort of economics that Adam Smith is more widely known for in his Wealth of Nations. This book is distinguished from other collections of essays on Adam Smith in that all of the contributors are economists, and the coverage is determined by the interests of contemporary economists and scholars in the history of economic thought.

A wide audience will find this Companion of great value and interest, including economists, the general economics profession, political scientists and political theorists, and philosophers with an interest in Adam Smith’s work as well as historians of economics. Advanced undergraduate and post-graduate students in these fields will also warmly welcome the book.
Critical Acclaim
‘The Elgar Companion to Adam Smith contains a set of papers by outstanding scholars, many of whom have made a career of studying Smith and have separately written book-length treatises on him. The reader is thus treated to a mature and nuanced treatment of Smith throughout. . . an outstanding collection by a gifted group of writers, and is highly recommended.’
– Jonathan B. Wright, EH.NET

‘If you wish to immerse yourself in debates over the wealth of ideas to be found in Adam Smith’s writings, this is the book for you.’
– Michael Schneider, History of Economics Review
Contributors: V. Brown, J.M. Buchanan, S.C. Dow, J. Evensky, P. Groenewegen, S. Hollander, G. Hueckel, D.M. Levy, B. Long, D. McCloskey, S.G. Medema, L. Montes, M.P. Paganelli, S.J. Peart, S. Rashid, W.J. Samuels, A.S. Skinner, G. Vivenza, A. Witztum, Y.J. Yoon, J.T. Young

Jeffrey T. Young

Table of Smith’s Primary Works
Brendan Long

Smith’s Life and Major Works
Brendan Long

1. Adam Smith, the Last of the Former Virtue Ethicists
Deirdre McCloskey

2. Adam Smith and Aristotle
Gloria Vivenza

3. Agency and Discourse: Revisiting the Adam Smith Problem
Vivienne Brown

4. Adam Smith’s Theism
Brendan Long

5. Smith’s Philosophy and Economic Methodology
Sheila C. Dow

6. The Moral Philosophical Frame of Adam Smith’s Economic Thought
Jerry Evensky

7. Adam Smith, the Physiocrats and Turgot
Peter Groenewegen

8. Wants versus Needs: A Smithian Model of General Equilibrium
Amos Witztum

9. Stochastic Demand and the Extent of the Market: Another Piece of the Smith Puzzle
James M. Buchanan and Yong J. Yoon

10. Smithian Answers to Some Puzzling Results in the Experimental Literature
Maria Pia Paganelli

11. The Invisible Hand
Warren J. Samuels

12. Adam Smith and Economic Development
Salim Rashid

13. ‘In the Heat of Writing’: Polemics and the ‘Error of Adam Smith’ in the Matter of the Corn Bounty
Glenn Hueckel

14. The Mercantile System
Andrew S. Skinner

15. Jeremy Bentham and Adam Smith on the Usury Laws: A ‘Smithian’ Reply to Bentham and a New Problem
Samuel Hollander

16. ‘Only Three Duties’: Adam Smith on the Economic Role of Government
Steven G. Medema and Warren J. Samuels

17. Adam Smith on the Standing Army versus Militia Issue: Wealth Over Virtue?
Leonidas Montes

18. Adam Smith and the Place of Faction
David M. Levy and Sandra J. Peart

19. Adam Smith and the Chicago School
Steven G. Medema

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