Elgar Companion to Sustainable Cities


Elgar Companion to Sustainable Cities

Strategies, Methods and Outlook

9781783475247 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Daniel A. Mazmanian, Professor of Public Policy, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California and Hilda Blanco, Professor Emeritus, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington, US
Publication Date: 2016 ISBN: 978 1 78347 524 7 Extent: 488 pp
Against a backdrop of unprecedented levels of urbanization, 21st century cities across the globe share concerns for the challenges they face. This Companion provides a framework for understanding the city as a critical building block for a more sustainable future within broader subnational, national and continental contexts, and ultimately, within a global systems context. It discusses the sustainable strategies being devised, as well as the methods and tools for achieving them. Examples of social, economic, political and environmental sustainable policy strategies are presented and the extent to which they actually increase sustainability is analyzed.

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The Elgar Companion to Sustainable Cities provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and applying the methods and strategies for cities to attain a more sustainable future.

Against a backdrop of unprecedented levels of urbanization, 21st century cities across the globe share mutual concerns for the challenges they face. This Companion focuses on the importance of the city as a critical building block for a more sustainable future within broader subnational, national and continental contexts, and ultimately, within a global systems context. It discusses the sustainable strategies being devised, as well as the methods and tools for achieving them. Examples of social, economic, political and environmental sustainable policy strategies are presented and the extent to which they actually increase sustainability is analyzed. Topics explored include compact cities and urban metabolism; environmental justice; water resources planning and the impact of climate change on industry, food policy and urban design.

This book will appeal to academics and students of planning, public policy and administration, as well as environmental and urban studies. It will also be of interest to those working in urban planning and sustainable development professions.
Contributors: L. Baker, T. Banerjee, E.J Blakley, H. Blanco, M.R. Boswell, H. Brattelbø, R.F. Callahan, K. Chapple, N. Cohen, E. Dreps, D.J. Fiorino, A.I. Greve, R.J. Jackson, B. Jiménez Cisneros, C. Kennedy, G.A. Keoleian, D.A. Mazmanian, A. Miller, J.P. Newell, P. Newman, L.K. Nijaki, C.P. Ozawa, M. Pastor, M. Pisano, K.E. Portney, A. Rose, T.L. Seale, B. Tomlinson, K.S. Wolske, M. Xu, R. Zimmerman, M. Zint

1. The Sustainable City: Introduction and Overview
Hilda Blanco and Daniel A. Mazmanian

2. Rediscovering Compact Cities for Sustainability
Peter Newman

3. Potable, Stormwater and Waste Water Strategies in the Context of Climate Change
Blanca Jiménez Cisneros

4. Urban Food System Strategies
Nevin Cohen

5. Sustainable Strategies for Consumer Products in Cities
Gregory A. Keoleian, Joshua P. Newell, Ming Xu and Erin Dreps

6. Strategies for Growing Green Business and Industry in a City
Karen Chapple

7. Strategies and Considerations for Investing in Sustainable City Infrastructure
Rae Zimmerman

8. Aligning Fiscal and Environmental Sustainability
Richard F. Callahan and Mark Pisano

9. Gauging the Health of a City: Maximising Health and Sustainability
Alek Miller and Richard J. Jackson

10. From Information Provision to Participatory Deliberation: Engaging Residents in the Transition Toward Sustainable Cities
Michaela Zint and Kimberly S. Wolske

11. Developing Effective Participatory Processes for a Sustainable City
Connie P. Ozawa

12. A Measure of Justice: Environmental Equality and the Sustainable City
Manuel Pastor

13. Analyzing a City’s Metabolism
Christopher Kennedy, Larry Baker and Helge Brattelbø

14. Developing Sustainability Cities Indicators
Kent E. Portney

15. Climate Action Planning
Michael R. Boswell, Adrienne I. Greve and Tammy L. Seale

16. Climate Change Adaptation
Adrienne I. Greve and Michael R. Boswell

17. Economic Resilience and the Sustainability of Cities in the Face of Climate Change: An Ecological Economics Framework
Adam Rose

18. A Systems Approach Towards Sustainable Procurement
Laurie Kaye Nijaki

19. Urban Design and Sustainability: Looking Backward to Move Forward
Tridib Banerjee

20. The Future of Sustainable Economic Development in Cities
Edward J. Blakley

21. Sustainable Cities and Governance: What Are the Connections?
Daniel J. Fiorino

22. Technology and City Sustainability
Bill Tomlinson

23. Overview and Conclusions
Daniel A. Mazmanian and Hilda Blanco

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