Industrial Location Economics


Industrial Location Economics

9781843768470 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Philip McCann, Chair in Urban and Regional Economics, The Productivity Institute, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Publication Date: 2004 ISBN: 978 1 84376 847 0 Extent: 392 pp
Because space is not homogenous, economic activities occur in different locations. Understanding the reasons behind this and understanding exactly how industries are spatially organized is the central theme of this book. Industrial Location Economics discusses different aspects of industrial location behaviour from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives. Each of the analytical traditions provides insights into the nature of industrial location behaviour and the factors which can influence it.

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Because space is not homogenous, economic activities occur in different locations. Understanding the reasons behind this and understanding exactly how industries are spatially organized is the central theme of this book. Industrial Location Economics discusses different aspects of industrial location behaviour from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives. Each of the analytical traditions provides insights into the nature of industrial location behaviour and the factors which can influence it.

The authors, internationally renowned scholars from around the world, detail the issues and characteristics surrounding spatial economic behaviour. Classical approaches to location analysis are compared and contrasted with more recent approaches in order to highlight common analytical themes and the strengths and limitations of each approach. The arguments are extended to cover questions of industrial clustering and the growth and development of cities. Finally the organization, technology and location inter-relationships associated with multinational firms are discussed, in order to provide insights into the relationship between investment patterns and geography. The theoretical approaches are discussed empirically using a range of case studies drawn from many different industries throughout the world. The general theme which runs throughout the book is that successful industrial location analysis depends on both the nature of the location questions to be addressed and on the appropriate choice of analytical methodology.

A uniquely broad range of different analytical approaches are integrated in this book, ensuring it will be accessible and highly valuable to academics interested in economics, management and geography, as well as students and scholars of economic geography, urban and regional economics, and regional planning.
Critical Acclaim
‘This specialist set of readings will find a ready market with practitioners and researchers alike. It will provide a strong foundation for intermediate Land economy programmes, as well as a good primer into aspects of the new economic geography.’
– G. Pasko, Economic Issues

‘Overall, this volume is quite valuable on two fronts. It provides excellent surveys of the old, as well as the new, economic geography. It also provides insights into the newest methods, the newest questions, and some of the newest results, available from the growing number of economic geographers.’
– Linda Harris Dobkins, Journal of Regional Science

‘This is a valuable book which offers much insight.’
– Alan Wilson, Journal of Economic Geography

‘One of the most perplexing challenges confronting both scholars and policymakers is why certain regions in certain countries emerge as leaders, while others seem to lag perpetually. This path-breaking book provides rich and original new insights to these questions, offering novel theoretical frameworks and thorough empirical analyses that result in a new understanding of the sources of regional competitiveness and growth. Industrial Location Economics is something very unusual, namely a coherent edited volume. It contains some excellent pieces of work on various aspects of industrial location by leading international scientists in the field. One important aspect of this book is the outstanding way in which it bridges the gap between the traditional schools of location economics and the modern new economic geography approach to location economics. I am very impressed by this volume. It has been written very clearly and it combines advanced theoretical knowledge in the field of location economics with a subtle feeling for empirical verification.’
– Charlie Karlsson, Jönköping University, Sweden

‘The recent renaissance of interest in locational analysis has focused heavily on theoretical developments with limited empirical testing or analysis. This book is to be welcomed since many of the ideas and propositions advanced in Part I are subject to empirical explorations in the remainder of the book. Particularly impressive is the range of applications from urban systems and cluster analysis to new advances in the analysis of the location behaviour of multinational enterprises. It is hoped that the link between theory and empirical testing that characterises many of the contributions will serve as a stimulus for further explorations of the role that the new economic geography might play in helping understand and interpret the spatial economy of the early twenty-first century.’
– Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, University of Illinois, US
Contributors: T. Arita, J. Cantwell, G. Duranton, E.J. Feser, I.R. Gordon, S. Iammarino, P. McCann, R. Mudambi, J.B. Parr, P.H. Pellenbarg, D. Puga, M. Steiner, D. Stelder, S.H. Sweeney, J. van Dijk, L.J.G. van Wissen

Introduction xiii
Philip McCann

1 Classical and neoclassical location–production models
Philip McCann

2 The location of economic activity: central place theory and the wider urban system
John B. Parr

3 Geographical grids in ‘new economic geography’ models
Dirk Stelder

4 Firm migration
Piet H. Pellenbarg, Leo J.G. van Wissen and Jouke van Dijk

5 Diversity and specialization in cities: why, where and when does it matter?
Gilles Duranton and Diego Puga

6 Global cities, internationalization and urban systems
Ian R. Gordon

7 Clusters and networks: institutional settings and strategic perspectives
Michael Steiner

8 Theory, methods and a cross-metropolitan comparison of business clustering
Edward J. Feser and Stuart H. Sweeney

9 The location decision of the multinational enterprise
Ram Mudambi

10 The technological relationships between indigenous firms and foreign-owned MNCs in the European regions
John Cantwell and Simona Iammarino

11 The relationship between the spatial and hierarchical organization of multiplant firms: observations from the global semiconductor industry
Tomokazu Arita and Philip McCann

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