Money, Method and Contemporary Post-Keynesian Economics


Money, Method and Contemporary Post-Keynesian Economics

9781786439857 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Sheila Dow, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Stirling, UK, Jesper Jespersen, Professor of Economics, Roskilde University and Adjunct Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark and Geoff Tily, Senior Economist, TUC, UK
Publication Date: 2018 ISBN: 978 1 78643 985 7 Extent: 208 pp
This volume concentrates on contemporary Post-Keynesian contributions in money, method and economic policy. Post-Keynesian economics shares with Keynes the ambition of understanding the economy as a whole and as an integrated part of society. The book begins by analysing money, banks and finance as dynamic phenomena, followed by chapters focusing on methodological themes such as uncertainty, longer-term issues, sustainability and other non-monetary economic activities.

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The Post-Keynesian methodology emphasising uncertainty is indispensable to analysing and understanding the major challenges of the 21st Century. On that basis, this book focuses on the failures of the market economic system to secure stability and sustainability, and demonstrates why this is not recognised by conventional economic theory.

The Post-Keynesian economics set out here aims for an understanding of the economy as a whole and as an integral part of society. Chapters analysing money, banks and finance as dynamic phenomena open the book. They are followed by chapters focusing on methodological issues such as uncertainty, longer-term aspects, sustainability and other non-monetary economic activities.

This important book is a useful tool for students and researchers who wish to gain a better understanding of real world economics. In these areas where conventional macroeconomic theory may not be sufficient, this book offers viable Post-Keynesian alternatives.
Critical Acclaim
‘The Post-Keynesian contributors to this remarkable volume provide contrasting opinions on monetary theory and monetary policy on four continents, together with a discussion of some major issues in macroeconomic methodology. The book concludes with incisive analyses of two big issues for the future: the probable approach of a stationary state, and the emergence of personal care as a large and growing component of aggregate output.’
– John E. King, La Trobe University and Federation University, Australia

‘This book is a must-read for those who wish to recover the essence of Keynes’s message on monetary economics. The authors apply Vicky Chick’s interpretation of Keynes and of the evolution of the banking system to contemporary issues such as shadow banking, financialization and the problems of the BRIC economies.’
– Marc Lavoie, University of Paris, France
Contributors: A. Asensio, V. Chick, S. Dow, A. Freeman, J. Ghosh, C. Goodhart, P. Hawkins, J. Jespersen, M.O. Madsen, R. McMaster, C.J. Rodríguez-Fuentes, R.J. Rotheim, S. Sen, R. Studart, B. Tieben, G. Tily




1. Monetary regimes: then and now
Charles Goodhart

2. Keynes applied
Geoff Tily

3. Rethinking monetary restraint
Roy J. Rotheim

4. The evolutionary approach to banking and the credit-hungry consumer: a view of the failure of African Bank
Penelope Hawkins

5. Financial fragility in Asia
Jayati Ghosh

6. Shadow banking in emerging economies like India
Sunanda Sen

7. Finance for transformation: a Post-Keynesian perspective on global sustainable development
Rogério Studart

8. A personal interpretation of Victoria Chick’s monetary thought: intellectual rigour, scientific innovation and common sense
Carlos J. Rodríguez-Fuentes

9. Equilibrium and uncertainty
Bert Tieben

10. Hicks’s progress from statics to historical time
Mogens Ove Madsen

11. A ‘static model of a dynamic process’: underemployment equilibrium with flexible wages and prices
Angel Asensio

12. The economics of enough: a future for capitalism or a new way of living?
Victoria Chick and Alan Freeman

13. Does Post Keynesianism need a theory of care?
Robert McMaster


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