Sustainability and Firms


Sustainability and Firms

Technological Change and the Changing Regulatory Environment

9781858988092 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Sylvie Faucheux, Professor of Economics and Director, C3ED, Université de Versailles–Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France, John M. Gowdy, Rittenhouse Professor of Humanities and Social Science, Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US and Isabelle Nicolaï, Lecturer in Economics, Researcher of C3ED, Université de Versailles–Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France
Publication Date: 1999 ISBN: 978 1 85898 809 2 Extent: 264 pp
This important book addresses the prospects for reconciling economic competitiveness with sustainable development. It shows that we cannot simply assume that changes in public attitudes, business policies and government regulation will guarantee the conditions for long-term ecological, social and economic sustainability.

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This important book addresses the prospects for reconciling economic competitiveness with sustainable development. It shows that we cannot simply assume that changes in public attitudes, business policies and government regulation will guarantee the conditions for long-term ecological, social and economic sustainability.

On the basis of new original case studies, the authors consider corporate environmental strategies, technological change and sustainable development as a social partnership between firms, citizens and government. They suggest that competitiveness must be considered as a dynamic process requiring proactive and reactive adjustments by business and government institutions all working towards sustainability.

Sustainbility and Firms combines intellectual rigour with accessibility to communicate fundamental ideas to help policy decision-makers, enterprise managers, environmental scientists and economists grapple effectively with the problems of competitiveness, technological change, strategies of firms, governance and sustainable development.
Critical Acclaim
‘Several authors have contributed excellent articles for this important book, which addresses sustainable development that aims at reconciling the pursuit of goals traditionally associated with economic growth with ecological constraints on economic activity. . . . the authors have made an excellent effort for contributing to the literature in the field. . . . This book can be recommended as an essential reference for those interested in pursuing a research career in this subject.’
– Jyothis Sathyapalan, Kyklos
Contributors: P. Antunes, S. Baumgärtner, F. Beckenbach, A. Castro Guerra, M.E. Diedrich, M. Faber, S. Faucheux, F. Garcia, M. Germain, M. Glachant, J. Gowdy, L. Jordao, R. Malaman, V. Martin, I. Nicolaï, M. O’Connor, J.L.R. Proops, R. Santos, V. Santos, P. Toint, M. Trommetter, H. Tulkens, N. Videira, L. Viguier
Contents: 1. Introduction (S. Faucheux, J. Gowdy and I. Nicolaï) Part I: Corporate Environmental Strategies 2. Globalisation, Competitiveness, Governance and Environment: What Prospects for a Sustainable Development? (S. Faucheux, I. Nicolaï and Martin O’ Connor) 3. Environmental Regulations and Foreign Direct Investment Flows within European Union (A. Castro Guerra and V. Santos) 4. Environmental Regulations, Firms Strategies and Markets Behaviour: Modelling to Learn (R. Santos, L. Jordão, P. Antunes, N. Videira) Part II: Technological Change and Sustainability 5. After the Age of Abatement Technologies? Technological Change for Sustainable Development (R. Malaman) 6. Socio-Technological Innovation and Sustainability (F. Beckenbach) 7. All Production is Joint Production – A Thermodynamic Analysis (M. Faber, J.L.R. Proops and S. Baumgärtner) Part III: Sustainable Development as a Social Partnership Between Firms, Citizens and Government 8. The Company Environmental Scheme (V. Martin and F. Garcia) 9. The Use of Regulatory Mechanism Design in Environmental Policy: A Theoretical Critique (M. Glachant) 10. Environmental Privatization and Technological Norms (M.E. Diedrich) 11. Financial Transfers to Sustain Cooperative International Optimality in Stock Pollutant Abatement (M. Germain, P. Toint and H. Tulkens) 12. The Implementation of the International Climate Regime: How to Finance the Reduction of CO2 Emissions? (M. Trommetter and L. Viguier)
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