The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics


The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics

An Introduction to Their Careers and Main Published Works

9781847200921 Edward Elgar Publishing
Howard R. Vane, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and Chris Mulhearn, formerly Reader in Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Publication Date: 2007 ISBN: 978 1 84720 092 1 Extent: 384 pp
Erudite, accessible and lucidly written, this book provides a stimulating introduction to the careers and main published works of the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics. It will prove to be an invaluable reference book on key figures in economics and their path-breaking insights. The vignettes should also encourage the reader to sample some of the Laureates’ original works and gain a better understanding of the context in which new ideas were first put forward.

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Erudite, accessible and lucidly written, this book provides a stimulating introduction to the careers and main published works of the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics. It will prove to be an invaluable reference book on key figures in economics and their path-breaking insights. The vignettes should also encourage the reader to sample some of the Laureates’ original works and gain a better understanding of the context in which new ideas were first put forward.

Original features of the book include:

• a foreword by Professor Mark Blaug
• a review of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, including a biographical guide to potential future winners
• a table summarising the Laureates’: year and country of birth; university and year of their first and higher degrees; their affiliation at the time of the award; broad field of study; and Prize citation
• comprehensive individual entries on each of the Laureates (including their photographs), covering their careers and main published works
• a glossary of selected associations, awards, institutions and societies.

Written primarily for undergraduate and postgraduate students, this is also a book that many teachers and lecturers will want on their shelves. It will prove to be an invaluable reference tool for anyone wanting to understand how past events and individuals have helped mould contemporary economi
Critical Acclaim
‘. . . this book will continue to share shelf-space next to my current textbooks. As a librarian, such utility makes this a desirable addition to any educator’s collection. As a history of economic thought book, Vane and Mulhearn have brought together a breadth of information that can be found through disparate sources but at a cost of effort and, especially for students, qualitative decisions regarding sources. . . The convenience of their starting methodology, breadth over depth coverage, and clear intention of writing to an audience of students makes this a useful text.’
– Kirk Douglas Johnson, Journal of the History of Economic Thought

‘The essays summarizing the main achievements of the prize winners are well written and to the point. They are short enough that they never cause the reader to lose interest, but substantive enough to let you know what the winners’ accomplishments amount to. These compact, factually accurate essays mark the real value of the book as a reference work. . . there is little for which to fault the authors. Vane and Mulhearn have done a very nice job with the book, and it is an added bonus that it includes a formal portrait photograph of each prize winner.’
– Bradley W. Bateman, History Political Economy

‘. . . Vane and Mulhearn have produced a useful reference work.’
– John Quiggin, Economic Analysis and Policy

‘This collection has the capacity to surprise the reader. You learn all sorts of new and sometimes admirable things about these economists and about the richness of the profession that is often obscured from students of the subject.’
– John Lodewijks, History of Economics Review

‘This volume provides a non-technical description of the main published works of every Nobel Memorial (Economics) winner from the first annual award in 1969 to 2004 . . . This is a reference book par excellence . . . it will interest not only those having some involvement with economics, past or present, but it should also attract more general readers wanting to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding economics and economists.’
– Economic Outlook and Business Review

‘Vane and Mulhearn have produced an introduction to the careers and major publications of the 55 economists awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel between 1969 and 2004. The short essays on each economist are readable and accurate; they provide a discussion of the subjects, major contributions and an introduction to the secondary literature, often with the outstanding reports on the laureates’ work provided to the Economic Prize Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The collection is introduced with a review of the prize and the common characteristics of the winners thus far, all neatly summarized in a table with each laureate’s year and country of birth, university, year of first and higher degrees, affiliation at the time of the award, field of study, and a summary citation. This volume provides a very useful introduction to the development of economic ideas in the last three-quarters of the 20th century. Highly recommended.’
– D.E. Moggridge, Choice

‘Every serious research economist will want to have a look at this comprehensive work.’
– Edwin Burmeister, Research Professor of Economics, Duke University, US

‘The award of the Nobel Prize has, for more than thirty years, been economists’ way of informing the public at large about what work most of them think is important, and about who has done it. Anyone seeking to understand the development of recent economic ideas and the profession that has created them must deal with the Prize’s history, and Vane and Mulhearn have provided an indispensable guide to it – brief, readable and accurate.’
– David Laidler, Professor Emeritus and Bank of Montreal Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada

‘This is a splendid account of the personal stories of the Nobel Laureates in Economics, the diversity of practice of recent economists, and, perhaps above all, the nature of the Nobel Prize in Economics as a human, social institution. Inevitably but appropriately celebratory, the material will be readily accessible to, and hopefully attract, undergraduate students.’
– Warren J. Samuels, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Michigan State University, US

‘A useful book because it gives as much attention to more recent Laureates as well as to older ones whose lives and work are better known. I learned a lot about recent winners of the Prize that I hadn’t known before. If you want a quick introduction to winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, this is a good place to start.’
– Roger E. Backhouse, University of Birmingham, UK

‘Howard Vane and Chris Mulhearn provide a valuable and readable introduction to the careers and main published works of the Nobel Laureates in economics. Students and teachers of economics will benefit from these lively and accessible guides to the wide range of insights and contributions by some of the great figures of modern economics. Readers will be intrigued to see how some of these insights have shaped the present state of economics, and will find that others offer starting-points for varied and fruitful further developments.’
– Robert W. Dimand, Professor of Economics, Brock University, Canada


Foreword by Mark Blaug

The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics: A Biographical Overview

1969: Ragnar Frisch
1969: Jan Tinbergen
1970: Paul Samuelson
1971: Simon Kuznets
1972: John Hicks
1972: Kenneth Arrow
1973: Wassily Leontief
1974: Gunnar Myrdal
1974: Friedrich von Hayek
1975: Leonid Kantorovich
1975: Tjalling Koopmans
1976: Milton Friedman
1977: Bertil Ohlin
1977: James Meade
1978: Herbert Simon
1979: Theodore Schultz
1979: Arthur Lewis
1980: Lawrence Klein
1981: James Tobin
1982: George Stigler
1983: Gerard Debreu
1984: Richard Stone
1985: Franco Modigliani
1986: James Buchanan
1987: Robert Solow
1988: Maurice Allais
1989: Trygve Haavelmo
1990: Harry Markowitz
1990: Merton Miller
1990: William Sharpe
1991: Ronald Coase
1992: Gary Becker
1993: Robert Fogel
1993: Douglass North
1994: John Harsanyi
1994: John Nash Jr.
1994: Reinhard Selten
1995: Robert Lucas Jr.
1996: James Mirrlees
1996: William Vickrey
1997: Robert Merton
1997: Myron Scholes
1998: Amartya Sen
1999: Robert Mundell
2000: James Heckman
2000: Daniel McFadden
2001: George Akerlof
2001: Michael Spence
2001: Joseph Stiglitz
2002: Daniel Kahneman
2002: Vernon Smith
2003: Robert Engle
2003: Clive Granger
2004: Finn Kydland
2004: Edward Prescott
Glossary of Selected Associations, Awards, Institutions and Societies
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