Economics of Innovation

  1. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to Sustainability Transitions

    Advanced Introduction to Sustainability Transitions

    Frank W. Geels
    In this insightful book, Frank W. Geels provides an advanced and evidenced introduction to one of the most important and dynamic topics in contemporary debates on how to address grand challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss.
    Paperback (August 2024)

    List price £16.45

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    Hardback (August 2024)

    List price £85.00

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  2. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to Digital Society

    Advanced Introduction to Digital Society

    Manuel Castells
    This essential book documents the current configuration of digital society worldwide and examines its social, economic, political and cultural consequences. Presenting state-of-the-art empirical analysis and academic research, preeminent...
    Paperback (June 2024)

    List price £15.95

    Member price £12.76

    Hardback (June 2024)

    List price £85.00

    Member price £76.50



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