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Comparative Constitutional Studies

Find out more about this journal, known for publishing innovative, deeply reflective and challenging articles that enhance critical thinking in this dynamic field.

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Advanced Introductions to Law

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Rethinking law book series

Rethinking Law series 

The Rethinking Law series is a forum for innovative scholarly legal writing from across all substantive fields of law. The series aims to enrich the study of law by promoting a cutting-edge approach to legal analysis.

Rethinking Law showcases authored books that address their field from a new angle, expose the weaknesses of existing frameworks, or 're-frame' the topic in some way. This might be through the introduction of a new legal framework, through the integration of perspectives from other fields or even other disciplines, through challenging existing paradigms, or simply through a level of analysis that elevates or sharpens our understanding of a subject.


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About the editors

luke adams

Luke Adams

Law (Academic & Professional)

Luke joined Elgar in 2000 as a commissioning editor, having spent the formative early part of his publishing career as an academic sales rep at Pearson Education. He began developing the Elgar law programme in…
ben booth

Ben Booth

Public Law, European Law, International Law

Ben has worked in publishing for over 15 years and is part of the commissioning team for Elgar’s growing law list. He takes responsibility for the broad areas of public law, European law and international…
chris berry

Chris Berry

Social Science (Original Reference), Law (Academic), Law (Academic & Professional), Law

Commissioning Editor for Elgar Encyclopedias in Law. Chris is a responsible for developing Elgar's encyclopedia list in law - encompassing large, long term, multi-volume works and concise, single volume works. Responsible for all aspects of…
Stephen Gutierrez

Stephen Gutierrez

Law (Academic)

Stephen holds an MA in History from King's College, London and an MA in Publishing from Oxford Brookes University. He has worked in academic and educational publishing in an editorial capacity in both the UK…
laura mann

Laura Mann

Law (Handbooks)

Laura has been with the company since 2008 and is Senior Commissioning Editor responsible for heading up and driving forward Elgar's renowned Research Handbook programme in Law. Laura is always happy to discuss new Research…
stephanie tytherleigh

Stephanie Tytherleigh

Law (Academic)

Stephanie is a Commissioning Editor for our Law list, taking responsibility for the broad areas of Private International Law, Law and Society, Health Law, Family Law, Regulation and Criminal Law and Justice. In addition, Stephanie…

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