This magisterial three-volume set presents the leading academic articles on agency law and partnership law, both classic and contemporary, serving as a valuable research tool for scholars and practitioners. The collection begins by focus...
Forming part of a major series by Edward Elgar Publishing, Law of the Environment and Armed Conflict selects the most important and influential research articles relating to the protection of the environment in armed conflict. The book p...
There could hardly be a more appropriate time in world history to be revisiting the issues of globalisation and democracy. After almost two centuries what might be regarded as globalisation in the current usage of the term, has fallen in...
China’s global economic footprint is large and growing. In recent years, China has contributed a third or more to the growth of the global economy, following its meteoric rise starting in the 1980s and gathering momentum in the 1990s. Ch...
This comprehensive two-volume research collection recaps major literary contributions to the economic theory of incentives. The carefully selected papers spanning forty years analyse and review collective decision problems in the context...
This Research Collection offers a 24-article tour of the topics surrounding the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. Edited by two leading experts in the field, the collection explores different approaches to, and comparativ...
This timely two-volume set offers a broad selection of important readings from the existing literature addressing several fundamental questions about recessions. These include what a recession is, the causes and effects of recessions, ho...
As cross-border transactions expand in our contemporary global economy, the significance of comparative contract law is evermore apparent. In addition the role of lawyers in transactional counselling as well as dispute resolution has bec...
This three-volume research collection covers the main topics and dimensions of environmental and energy law in its contemporary expression. It provides foundational material for those interested in understanding the development of the fi...
Economics shapes environmental pricing theory, but the law translates theory into reality. This two-volume collection brings together carefully selected classic and cutting edge articles from around the world that delve into the legal de...
Edited by Maurice Adams, Jaakko Husa, Marieke Oderkerk
This important two-volume collection draws together the most significant and instructive articles relating to comparative law methodology and offers vast and comprehensive coverage of practices, principles, methods and sources in compara...
This single volume is an authoritative collection of scholarship examining many facets of the public domain. This publication collects key papers which examine the various justifications for a rich repository of publicly-available inform...