Post-Keynesian Economics

  1. Add to Wish List Modern State Intervention in the Era of Globalisation

    Modern State Intervention in the Era of Globalisation

    Nikolaos Karagiannis, Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi
    The authors of this book argue that in order to meet the challenges of globalisation and promote their own economic welfare, governments need strong policy instruments that will enable them to take up a strategic role in selected policy ...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price $181.00

    Member price $162.90

  2. Add to Wish List Money, Distribution and Economic Policy

    Money, Distribution and Economic Policy

    Edited by Eckhard Hein, Achim Truger
    Money, Distribution and Economic Policy takes issue with the inappropriate treatment of money, effective demand and distribution issues in modern mainstream macroeconomics. It presents contributions which are critical of modern orthodoxy...
    Hardback (June 2007)

    List price $153.00

    Member price $137.70

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  3. Add to Wish List Economic Growth

    Economic Growth

    Edited by Phillip Arestis, Michelle Baddeley, John S.L. McCombie
    This enlightening and significant volume focuses on the nature, causes and features of economic growth across a wide range of countries and regions. Covering a variety of growth related topics – from theoretical analyses of economic grow...
    Hardback (May 2007)

    List price $175.00

    Member price $157.50

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  4. Add to Wish List Growth and Economic Development

    Growth and Economic Development

    Edited by Philip Arestis, John S.L. McCombie, Roger Vickerman
    This valuable and engaging new book bears eloquent testimony to A.P. Thirlwall’s substantial contribution to economics over the last 40 years. The volume does not attempt to provide a comprehensive review of such a prolific figure, but r...
    Hardback (February 2007)

    List price $170.00

    Member price $153.00

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  5. Add to Wish List International Perspectives on Household Wealth

    International Perspectives on Household Wealth

    Edited by Edward N. Wolff
    The contributors to this comprehensive book compile and analyse the latest data available on household wealth using, as case studies, the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and Finland during the 1990s and into the twenty-fir...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price $213.00

    Member price $191.70

  6. Add to Wish List Complexity, Endogenous Money and Macroeconomic Theory

    Complexity, Endogenous Money and Macroeconomic Theory

    Edited by Mark Setterfield
    During a distinguished career, Basil Moore has made numerous important contributions to macroeconomics and monetary economics, and is renowned as the progenitor of the ‘horizontalist’ analysis of endogenous money. More recently, he has e...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price $208.00

    Member price $187.20

  7. Add to Wish List Money, Financial Instability and Stabilization Policy

    Money, Financial Instability and Stabilization Policy

    Edited by L. Randall Wray, Mathew Forstater
    Money, Financial Instability and Stabilization Policy consists of original articles by leading Post Keynesians, Kaleckians and other heterodox economists from the developed and developing world. Post Keynesian literature has long been ...
    Hardback (October 2006)

    List price $159.00

    Member price $143.10

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  8. Add to Wish List Theories of Financial Disturbance

    Theories of Financial Disturbance

    Jan Toporowski
    Theories of Financial Disturbance examines how the operations of market-driven finance may initiate and transmit disturbances to the economy at large, by looking in detail at how various economists envisaged such disturbances occurring.
    Paperback (2006)

    List price $55.95

    Member price $44.76

    Hardback (June 2005)

    List price $139.00

    Member price $125.10

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  9. Add to Wish List Post-Keynesian Principles of Economic Policy

    Post-Keynesian Principles of Economic Policy

    Edited by Claude Gnos, Louis-Philippe Rochon
    Post-Keynesian economics is moving beyond criticism of mainstream economics and is focusing on providing a positive alternative to orthodoxy. This book gathers carefully selected and original papers by a number of distinguished post-Keyn...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price $164.00

    Member price $147.60

  10. Add to Wish List Understanding Modern Money

    Understanding Modern Money

    L. Randall Wray
    In this innovative and very practical book, Randall Wray argues that full employment and price stability are not the incompatible goals that current economic theory and policy assume. Indeed, he advances a policy that would generate true...
    Paperback (2006)

    List price $49.95

    Member price $39.96

  11. Add to Wish List The New Monetary Policy

    The New Monetary Policy

    Edited by Phillip Arestis, Michelle Baddeley, John S.L. McCombie
    Beginning with an assessment of new thinking in macroeconomics and monetary theory, this book suggests that many countries have adopted the New Consensus Monetary Policy since the early 1990s in an attempt to reduce inflation to low leve...
    Hardback (January 2006)

    List price $153.00

    Member price $137.70

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  12. Add to Wish List Capital Theory

    Capital Theory

    Edited by Christopher Bliss, Avi J. Cohen, G. C. Harcourt
    This comprehensive three-volume edition brings together the most important contributions in capital theory, from its classical origins to its modern manifestation in endogenous growth models. The readings examine the recurring controvers...
    Hardback (August 2005)

    List price $1,088.00

    Member price $979.20

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