Gender, Sexuality and Law


Gender, Sexuality and Law

A Textbook

9781800882676 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Chris Ashford, Professor of Law and Society, Law School, Northumbria University and Alexander Maine, City St George’s, University of London, UK
Publication Date: October 2024 ISBN: 978 1 80088 267 6 Extent: 318 pp
This textbook combines pioneering feminist and queer judgments and statutes with critical and intersectional theories, to provide a comprehensive overview of the field of gender, sexuality and law. A diverse range of socio-legal experts set out the theoretical and legal foundations of the topic, before examining the ongoing struggle for rights and contemporary dissenting voices.

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Critical Acclaim
More Information
This textbook combines pioneering feminist and queer judgments and statutes with critical and intersectional theories, to provide a comprehensive overview of the field of gender, sexuality and law. A diverse range of socio-legal experts set out the theoretical and legal foundations of the topic, before examining the ongoing struggle for rights and contemporary dissenting voices.

Key Features:

● Inclusion of feminist and queer judgments and statutes linked to gender and sexuality
● Accessible and detailed discussion of feminist and queer theory, and critical race theory
● Discussion of the decriminalisation of homosexuality, consent and sexual violence, hate crime, sex work and pornography
● Exploration of trans identities, relationship recognition rights, parenthood and reproduction, pregnancy and abortion, gender and the legal profession, and identities and employment

Accessibly written and carefully structured, this textbook is an important resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students of gender, sexuality, feminist law and queer legal studies. It is also a crucial read for those studying law and society, criminology and cultural studies.
Critical Acclaim
‘A textbook about gender and sexuality is welcome and long overdue. Uncompromising in its radical perspectives and wide ranging and accessible, this ground-breaking textbook brings together theoretical rigour with grounded practical applications and demonstrates the centrality of gender and sexuality to debates in family and criminal law, civil liberties and human rights. A key text for any law student interested in understanding and seeking tools and methods for thinking rigorously about law and social change.’
– Daniel Monk, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Introduction to Gender, Sexuality and Law 9
Chris Ashford and Alexander Maine
1 Feminist legal theories 16
Laura Graham
2 Queer Legal Theory 38
Alexander Maine
3 Critical Race Theory and intersectionality 61
Senthorun Raj
4 Decriminalisation of homosexuality 84
Chris Ashford
5 Consent, sexual violence, and the law 103
Cameron Giles and Hannah Bows
6 Hate crime 125
Alex Powell
7 The legal regulation of sex work 142
Thomas Crofts
8 Pornography and expression 167
Chris Ashford and Alexander Maine
9 Transgender jurisprudence 189
Flora Renz and Avi Boukli
10 Relationship recognition 208
Alexander Maine
11 Parenthood and assisted reproduction 230
Alan Brown
12 Abortion 250
Laura Graham
13 Gender and the legal professions 273
Jessica Guth
14 Care, identity and the workplace 289
Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella
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