Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration


Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

9781788117227 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Emma Carmel, Professor of Governance and Public Policy and Katharina Lenner, Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath, UK and Regine Paul, Professor in Political Science, Department of Government, University of Bergen, Norway
Publication Date: 2021 ISBN: 978 1 78811 722 7 Extent: 448 pp
This innovative Handbook sets out a conceptual and analytical framework for the critical appraisal of migration governance. Global and interdisciplinary in scope, the chapters are organised across six key themes: conceptual debates; categorisations of migration; governance regimes; processes; spaces of migration governance; and mobilisations around it.

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This innovative Handbook sets out a conceptual and analytical framework for the critical appraisal of migration governance. Global and interdisciplinary in scope, the chapters are organised across six key themes: conceptual debates; categorisations of migration; governance regimes; processes; spaces of migration governance; and mobilisations around it.

Leading international contributors critically assess categorisations and conceptualisations of migration to address theoretical concerns including transnationalism and de-colonisation, climate change, development, humanitarianism, bordering, technologies and the role of time. They closely examine practices of migration governance and politics, and their effects, across diverse spaces, processes and forms of mobilisation. They draw on up-to-date examples from across the globe in order to examine how migrants, whether forced or voluntary, are governed. Reviewing the latest developments in migration governance research through empirically rich and conceptually concise appraisals, the Handbook problematises orthodox perspectives and discusses how a critical reading can add to our understanding of the governance and politics of migration.

This Handbook is an invaluable resource for scholars and students of migration, human rights and public policy. Its interdisciplinary approach and wide range of empirical examples will also be useful for policy makers in these fields.
Critical Acclaim
‘This Handbook is an interesting and well-structured read for those wanting to become acquainted with the field of migration theory. Both experienced researchers and students at the beginning of their journey in the field of migration studies and adjacent disciplines can benefit from this publication. The chapters of this book provide insightful reading material for introduction courses about migration governance or migration more general.’
– Lara Wilhelmine Hoffmann, Nordicum-Mediterraneum

‘Migration is one of the most contentious political issues globally today. This volume provides an excellent route-map of how to understand, analyse and politicise beyond the binaries through which these contentions are staged by exploring how it is governed. A must-read for those researching the politics of mobility.’
– Parvati Raghuram, The Open University, UK

‘An important and critical Handbook that unpacks what is behind the governance of migration. Countering the depoliticization of migration discourses and policies, this book provides a comprehensive account of the processes and institutions involved, the spaces where governance happens, and the tensions and contradictions within it. This Handbook is a valuable companion to students and researchers and to the interested citizen.’
– Anna Triandafyllidou, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

‘A great line up of contributors provide rich, informative, engaged and engaging analyses of how governance systems play a key role in shaping migration: through their operation and effects, their inclusion and omissions, and the ways in which we understand it as a social and political challenge. It is a testament to the editors and contributors that they have put together such an inspiring collection of essays that expertly synthesise existing debates while setting agendas for future research.’
– Andrew Geddes, European University Institute, Italy
Contributors: I. Ataç, S. Azmeh, O. Bakewell, L. Berntsen, I. Boas, S. Bonjour, E. Carmel, L. Cleton, H. Crawley, T. De Lange, P. de Sena, A. di Bartolomeo, N. El Qadim, C. Fischer, K. Follis, M. Griffiths, A. Guia, J. Hart, N. Howard, J. Jeandesboz, L. Kabbanji, L. Kawar, S. Khosravi, K. Lenner, A. Lindberg, S. Marchetti, L. Mayblin, L. Medland, F. Meissner, D. Moffette, C. Moulin, K. Natter, R. Paul, A. Pécoud, N. Piper, P.K. Rajaram, F. Rodrigues de Castro, H. Schwenken, M. Setrana, V. Squire, C. Thibos, L. Turner, A. Van Raemdonk, H. Vasey, W. Walters, H. Wiegel

1 The governance and politics of migration: a conceptual-analytical map 1
Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner and Regine Paul

2 Postcolonial perspectives on migration governance 25
Lucy Mayblin
3 Nationhood and citizenship: from producing states to enacting rights 36
Flávia Rodrigues de Castro and Carolina Moulin
4 Transnationalism and diaspora as epistemology and practice 47
Carolin Fischer
5 The politics of conceptualizing border/security 60
Karolina Follis
6 Rethinking migration and development as a hegemonic project 73
Lama Kabbanji
7 Climate migration between conflictive discourses and empirical realities 86
Ingrid Boas and Hanne Wiegel
8 Humanitarianism in principle and practice 98
Jason Hart
9 Beyond the dichotomy of liberal and illiberal migration governance 110
Katharina Natter

10 Unsettling the boundaries between forced and voluntary migration 124
Oliver Bakewell
11 The construction and contestation of illegality 137
Vicki Squire
12 Trafficking as the moral filter of migration control 148
Cameron Thibos and Neil Howard
13 Co-constructions of family and belonging in the politics of family migration 161
Saskia Bonjour and Laura Cleton
14 Deconstructing skills in the stratification of migration governance 173
Huw Vasey

15 Towards a relational perspective on border regimes 185
Prem Kumar Rajaram
16 The limits of the ‘global refugee regime’ 195
Heaven Crawley and Mary Setrana
17 Pitfalls, ambivalences and contestations of ‘migration management’ 206
Antoine Pécoud
18 Global value chains, production regimes and the governance of migrant
workers 218
Shamel Azmeh
19 National states in the governance of mobilities 229
Nora El Qadim

20 The migration route as governance 242
William Walters
21 Migration, governance, and the co-production of urban spaces 254
An Van Raemdonck and Fran Meissner
22 Reconsidering migration dynamics within diverse rural spaces 267
Lydia Medland
23 Governing, experiencing and contesting camps and encampment 279
Lewis Turner
24 Political economy, law and the regulation of migrantsʼ workplaces 291
Tesseltje de Lange, Lisa Berntsen and Pedro de Sena
25 Homes as workplaces at the intersection of migration, care and gender regimes 304
Sabrina Marchetti and Anna di Bartolomeo

26 Interrogating time and temporality in migration governance 316
Melanie Griffiths
27 Technology, knowledge and the governing of migration 329
Julien Jeandesboz
28 Governing migration by other means: criminalization, crimmigration, or
legal pluralism? 341
David Moffette
29 Situating deportation and expulsion in migration governance 354
Annika Lindberg and Shahram Khosravi

30 Reconceptualizing and de-nationalizing repertoires of migrant political
activism 367
Ilker Ataç and Helen Schwenken
31 Contesting migration governance through legal mobilization 380
Leila Kawar
32 Solidarities and disjunctures in the (global) mobilization of migrant workers 391
Nicola Piper
33 Nativist politics and the mobilization of anti-immigrant discourses 404
Aitana Guia

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