Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender in Management


Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender in Management

9781803922058 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jean Helms Mills, Professor Emerita, Albert J. Mills, Professor Emeritus, Department of Management, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada, Kristin S. Williams, Director, F.C. Manning School of Business, Acadia University, Wolfville, Canada and Regine Bendl, Professor, Institute for Gender & Diversity in Organizations, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Publication Date: January 2025 ISBN: 978 1 80392 205 8 Extent: c 544 pp
Bringing together an expert team of international contributors, this Encyclopedia showcases key aspects of gender in management, including women’s leadership, mentoring women, managerial style and sexual harassment.

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Bringing together an expert team of international contributors, this Encyclopedia showcases key aspects of gender in management, including women’s leadership, mentoring women, managerial style and sexual harassment.

Examining contemporary issues in over 30 nations, this book reviews critical concepts where gender and management intersect, covering both historic and current viewpoints in subjects such as menopause, ageing and queer(ing). It also takes a fresh look at ongoing topics such as equal pay and the gender pay gap, religion and work-life balance.

Key Features:
· Over 140 entries from around the globe
· Highlighting important scholars in the field as well as concepts
· Diverse contributions celebrating different paradigmatic traditions

The expansive range of entries in the Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender in Management provides an excellent reference resource for academics in management and business, gender and women’s studies. The global scope will appeal to policymakers in making future decisions and researchers of gender studies.
Critical Acclaim
‘This is a comprehensive and well-timed collection of entries that reflect contemporary development at the intersection of gender and management, as a field of inquiry and practice. The timeless and emerging entries are impressive and cover topics that matter across six continents.’
– Eddy Ng, Queen’s University, Canada
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