Handbook of Marketing Analytics


Handbook of Marketing Analytics

Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support

9781784716745 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Natalie Mizik, Professor of Marketing and J. Gary Shansby Endowed Chair in Marketing Strategy, Foster School of Business, University of Washington and Dominique M. Hanssens, Distinguished Research Professor of Marketing, Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles, US
Publication Date: 2018 ISBN: 978 1 78471 674 5 Extent: 712 pp
Marketing Science contributes significantly to the development and validation of analytical tools with a wide range of applications in business, public policy and litigation support. The Handbook of Marketing Analytics showcases the analytical methods used in marketing and their high-impact real-life applications. Fourteen chapters provide an overview of specific marketing analytic methods in some technical detail and 22 case studies present thorough examples of the use of each method in marketing management, public policy, and litigation support. All contributing authors are recognized authorities in their area of specialty.

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The Handbook of Marketing Analytics showcases analytical marketing methods and their high-impact real-life applications in marketing management, public policy, and litigation support. Fourteen chapters present an overview of specific marketing analytic methods in technical detail, while 22 case studies present thorough examples of the use of each method.

The contributors featured are recognized authorities in their fields. Multidisciplinary in scope, this Handbook covers experimental methods, non-experimental methods, and their digital-era extensions. It explores topics such as classical and Bayesian econometrics, causality, machine learning, optimization, and recent advancements in conjoint analysis.

This standout collection of analytical methods and application will be useful and educational for all readers, whether they are academics or practitioners in marketing, public policy, or litigation.
Critical Acclaim
‘Handbook of Marketing Analytics is a very useful reference for the litigator wishing to gain greater expertise and insight into available tools for prosecuting and defending many types of commercial litigation. The technical chapters have gentle takeoffs that allow the non-specialist reader to build a working knowledge of the techniques described. The case study chapters are what really set the book apart for those whose matrix algebra is rusty, enabling the non-technical attorney or lay reader to see vividly how the techniques can be deployed. This will be an essential item on the shelf of any litigator who deals regularly with advanced analytics in marketing and related areas.’
– August Horvath, Foley Hoag LLP, US

‘Over the course of their storied careers, Mizik and Hanssens have helped quantify one of the most elusive of concepts: how marketing creates enterprise value. The Handbook of Marketing Analytics teaches practitioners not only how to explain the impact of marketing investment on firm performance, but also its growing application to guiding public policy and even assisting in litigation. Expertly crafted, with practical takeaways drawn on case studies and interviews with marketing analytics experts, this book is a must-read for any marketer, advertiser or reader fascinated with discovering the unseen leverage in marketing and creativity.’
– John Gerzema, Bestselling Author and CEO of Harris Insights & Analytics/The Harris Poll, US

‘Ever since I published Marketing Decision Making and Marketing Models, I have been wanting to see a superb collection of marketing analytics chapters and cases in one book. The Handbook of Marketing Analytics has finally arrived and it is a treasure.’
– Philip Kotler, Northwestern University, US
Contributors: M. Akemann, S. Albers, P. Albuquerque, G.M. Allenby, V. Altuglu, A.N. Angulo, A. Ansari, L. Ash, M. Bakker, R. Befurt, T.C. Borek, D. Borrego, B.J. Bronnenberg, Z. Chance, P.K. Chintagunta, M.G. Dekimpe, R. Dhar, D. Dzyabura, D.G. Fiebig, M. Fischer, A. Goldfarb, N.J. Goldstein, R. Guha, D.M. Hanssens, M. Hatzis, J.R. Howell, K. Huskey, D. Iacobucci, I. Ionova, S. Iyer, R. Jacobson, V.K. Kanuri, R. Kirk Fair, A. Lambrecht, A.Y. Lee, D.R. Lehmann, Y. Li, L. Ma, M.K. Mantrala, N. Mizik, L. O’Laughlin, D. Onul, A. Oza, K. Pauwels, E. Pavlov, K.I. Powers, V.R. Rao, R. Reed-Arthurs, D.M. Ringel, J. Roberts, P.E. Rossi, R. Schwabe, J. Silva-Risso, B. Skiera, J.H. Steckel, O. Toubia, M. Trusov, C.E. Tucker, A.M. Tybout, K. Wertenbroch, A.G. White, S. Woodhouse, H. Yoganarasimhan, J.D. Zona

Natalie Mizik and Dominique M. Hanssens

Methods Chapters
Part I Experimental Designs
1. Laboratory Experimentation in Marketing
Angela Y. Lee and Alice M. Tybout

2. Field Experiments
Anja Lambrecht and Catherine E. Tucker

3. Conjoint Analysis
Olivier Toubia

Part II Classical Econometrics
4. Time-Series Models of Short-Run and Long-Run Marketing Impact
Marnik G. Dekimpe and Dominique M. Hanssens

5. Panel Data Methods in Marketing Research
Natalie Mizik and Eugene Pavlov

6. Causal Inference in Marketing Applications
Peter E. Rossi

Part III Discrete Choice Modeling
7. Modeling Choice Processes in Marketing
John Roberts and Denzil G. Fiebig

8. Bayesian Econometrics
Greg M. Allenby and Peter E. Rossi

9. Structural Models in Marketing
Pradeep K. Chintagunta

Part IV Latent Structure Analysis
10. Multivariate statistical analyses: Cluster analysis, factor analysis, and multidimensional scaling
Dawn Iacobucci

Part V Machine Learning and Big Data
11. Machine Learning and Marketing
Daria Dzyabura and Hema Yoganarasimhan

12. Big Data Analytics
Asim Ansari and Yang Li

Part VI Generalizations and Optimizations
13. Meta Analysis in Marketing
Donald R. Lehmann

14. Marketing Optimization Methods
Murali K. Mantrala and Vamsi K. Kanuri

Case Studies and Applications
Part VII Case Studies and Applications in Marketing Management
15. Industry Applications of Conjoint Analysis
Vithala R. Rao

16. How time series econometrics helped Inofec quantify online and offline funnel progression and reallocate marketing budgets for higher profits
Koen Pauwels

17. Panel Data Models for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Direct-to-Physician Pharmaceutical Marketing Activities
Natalie Mizik and Robert Jacobson

18. A Nested Logit Model for Product and Transaction-Type Choice Planning Automakers’ Pricing and Promotions
Jorge Silva-Risso, Deirdre Borrego and Irina Ionova

19. Visualizing Asymmetric Competitive Market Structure in Large Markets
Daniel M. Ringel and Bernd Skiera

20. User Profiling in Display Advertising
Michael Trusov and Liye Ma

21. Dynamic Optimization for Marketing Budget Allocation at Bayer
Marc Fischer and Sönke Albers

Part VIII Case Studies and Applications in Public Policy
22. Consumer (Mis)Behavior and Public Policy Intervention
Klaus Wertenbroch

23. Nudging Healthy Choices with the 4Ps Framework for Behavior Change
Zoë Chance, Ravi Dhar, Michelle Hatzis, Michiel Bakker, Kim Huskey and Lydia Ash

24. Field Experimentation: Promoting Environmentally Friendly Consumer Behavior
Noah J. Goldstein and Ashley N. Angulo

25. Regulation and Online Advertising Markets
Avi Goldfarb

26. Measuring the Long-Term Effects of Public Policy: The Case of Narcotics Use and Property Crime
Keiko I. Powers

27. Applying Structural Models in a Public Policy Context
Paulo Albuquerque and Bart J. Bronnenberg

Part IX Case Studies and Applications in Litigation Support
28. Avoiding Bias: Ensuring Validity and Admissibility of Survey Evidence in Litigations
Rebecca Kirk Fair and Laura O’Laughlin

29. Experiments in Litigation
Joel H. Steckel

30. Conjoint Analysis in Litigation
Sean Iyer

31. Conjoint Analysis: Applications in Antitrust Litigation
Michael P. Akemann and Rebecca Reed-Arthurs and J. Douglas Zona

32. Feature Valuation Using Equilibrium Conjoint Analysis
John R. Howell, Greg M. Allenby and Peter E. Rossi

33. Regression Analysis to Evaluate Harm in a Breach of Contract Case: The Citri-Lite Company, Inc., Plaintiff v. Cott Beverages, Inc., Defendant
Rahul Guha, Darius Onul and Sally Woodhouse

34. Consumer Surveys in Trademark Infringement Litigation: FIJI vs. VITI Case Study
T. Christopher Borek and Anjali Oza

35. Survey Evidence to Evaluate a Marketing Claim: Skye Astiana, Plaintiff v. Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc., Defendant
Alan G. White and Rene Befurt

36. Machine Learning in Litigation
Vildan Altuglu and Rainer Schwabe


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