Regions and Innovation Policies in Europe


Regions and Innovation Policies in Europe

Learning from the Margins

9781789904154 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Manuel González-López, Associate Professor of Applied Economics, ICEDE Research Group, University of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain and Bjørn T. Asheim, Professor of Economic Geography and Innovation Theory, University of Stavanger Business School, Norway
Publication Date: 2020 ISBN: 978 1 78990 415 4 Extent: 288 pp
Offering a novel contribution within the growing field of regional innovation policies, this book combines recent theoretical developments and empirical contributions, with a particular focus on non-core regions. Leading academics in the field discuss the topics of regional path transformation, place-based strategies and policy learning. Also included are sections on the role of EU institutions on the promotion of regional innovation and the analysis and comparison of the innovation policies experiences of four non-core European regions.

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A novel contribution to the growing field of regional innovation policies, this timely book combines recent theoretical developments and empirical contributions. With a keen focus on non-core regions, some of the top scholars in the field discuss the topics of regional path transformation, place-based strategy and policy learning.

Analysing the role of EU institutions, the book includes a thematic section on EU regional and innovation policies as well as four key case studies of peripheral European regions, Galicia, Apulia, Malopolska and Agder. By analysing these case studies, the authors offer advice on how to improve regional innovation policies and systems within a modern context, where smart specialisation dominates and competitiveness is increasingly relevant.

EU studies, innovation and regional studies scholars will appreciate the blend of empirical evidence and theory. It will also be useful to policy-makers in charge of innovation policies at regional as well as EU level.
Contributors: C. Ares, A. Arrona, B.T. Asheim, E. Baier, C.A.M. del Carmen Sánchez-Carreira, I. Dileo, J. Gancarczyk, M. Gancarczyk, M. González-López, R. Hassink, A. Isaksen, J. Karlsen, R.N.S.S. J.P. Knudsen, M. Larrea, F. Losurdo, M. Najda-Janoszka, Ó. Rodil-Marzábal, S. Strickert, M. Trippl, P. Varela-Vázquez, X. Vence-Deza, A. Zenker

List of contributors vii
Introduction: regional innovation systems and regional
innovation policies 1
Manuel González-López and Bjørn T. Asheim
1 The role of the Regional Innovation System approach in
contemporary regional policy: is it still relevant in a globalised
world? 12
Bjørn T. Asheim, Arne Isaksen and Michaela Trippl
2 Advancing place-based regional innovation policies 30
Robert Hassink
3 Policy learning in regions: the potential of co-generative
research methodologies to help responsible innovation 46
Ainhoa Arrona, James Karlsen and Miren Larrea
4 Regional autonomy and innovation policy 66
Elisabeth Baier and Andrea Zenker
5 EU regional development policy, from regional convergence
to development through innovation 92
Cristina Ares
6 An overview of the European Union innovation policy from
the regional perspective 113
María del Carmen Sánchez-Carreira
7 Regional Innovation Systems and regional disparities in the
Euro area: insights for regional innovation policy 139
Óscar Rodil-Marzabal and Xavier Vence-Deza
8 The effects of projects funded by the EU Framework
Programmes on regional innovation and scientific performance 162
Pedro Varela-Vazquez and Manuel González-López
9 Evolution and change of the Galician innovation system and
policies 188
Manuel González-López
10 The evolution of regional innovation policy in a peripheral
area: the case of Apulia region 207
Ivano Dileo and Francesco Losurdo
11 Regional innovation system and policy in Malopolska, Poland:
an institutionalised learning 225
Marta Gancarczyk, Marta Najda-Janoszka and
Jacek Gancarczyk
12 The Agder region: an innovation policy case study 252
Roger Normann, Sissel Strickert and Jon P. Knudsen
Index 271
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