Societies in Motion


Societies in Motion

Innovation, Migration and Regional Transformation

9780857939937 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Amnon Frenkel, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, Peter Nijkamp, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands and the Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Iasi, Romania and Philip McCann, Chair in Urban and Regional Economics, The Productivity Institute, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Publication Date: April 2012 ISBN: 978 0 85793 993 7 Extent: 400 pp
In today’s globalised world, modern society is characterized by rapid transitions in space that are in part the result of technological developments of previous decades. This unique book deals with the complex issues raised by these transformations, focusing particularly on the impacts on regional development, technological innovation, and the flows and mobility of ideas, knowledge, people and firms.

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In today’s globalised world, modern society is characterized by rapid transitions in space that are in part the result of technological developments of previous decades. This unique book deals with the complex issues raised by these transformations, focusing particularly on the impacts on regional development, technological innovation, and the flows and mobility of ideas, knowledge, people and firms.

Societies in Motion examines the dynamic forces of technological and institutional change that are affecting the design of society, the economy and the environment, and provides a base for policy-makers to develop new systems for a better, more sustainable future. The leading contributors adopt a systems approach to mobility exploring knowledge, ideas, flows of information and creativity, human capital and transportation.

Authoritative and detailed, this book is an ideal source of analysis and debate for research scholars and students of regional science, economics and geography. Policymakers will also find plenty of invaluable information in this original volume.
Contributors: P. Aroca, H. Aviram, G. Avnimelech, D. Banister, R. Bar-El, H. Bar-Gera, D. Boyce, D. Constantin, J. Corcoran, H.L.F. de Groot, A. Faggian, D. Felsenstein, A. Frenkel, M. Givoni, Z. Goschin, D.A. Griffith, S. Hazam, G.J.D. Hewings, J. Knoben, M. Malul, P. McCann, P. Monkkonen, P. Nijkamp, R. Patuelli, P.H. Pellenbarg, J.M. Quigley, M.M. Ridhwan, P. Rietveld, D. Schwartz, D. Shefer, Y. Shiftan, M. Sonis, M. Tiefelsdorf


Amnon Frenkel, Peter Nijkamp and Philip McCann

1. The Spatial Consequences of Autarky in Land-use Regulation: Strategic Interaction or Simply Parallelism?
Paavo Monkkonen and John M. Quigley

2. Intra-urban Mobility and Changing Density Functions in Tel Aviv, 1995–2006
Daniel Felsenstein and Shlomie Hazam

3. The Role of Monetary and Financial Factors in Regional Development: An Overview
Masagus M. Ridhwan, Peter Nijkamp, Piet Rietveld and Henri L.F. de Groot

4. Spatial Mobility of Firms
Piet H. Pellenbarg and Joris Knoben

5. The Location of Knowledge Economy and High-tech in Israel
Dafna Schwartz, Gil Avnimelech and Raphael Bar-El

6. University–Industry Technology Transfer: Fostering and Hindering Factors and Programmes
Amnon Frenkel and Daniel Shefer

7. The Effect of Asset and Credit Constraint on Interregional Labour Migration
Patricio Aroca, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Michael Sonis

8. Circular Statistics, Migration Models and the Directionality of Job Search Processes
Alessandra Faggian, Jonathan Corcoran and Philip McCann

9. Commuting and Migration: Can They be Complementary?
Raphael Bar-El and Miki Malul

10. Globalisation, the CEECs and European Policy
Daniela Constantin, Zizi Goschin and Philip McCann

11. Spatial Filtering Methods for Tracing Space–Time Developments in an Open Regional System: Experiments with German Unemployment Data
Roberto Patuelli, Daniel A. Griffith, Michael Tiefelsdorf and Peter Nijkamp

12. The Role of Computing in Urban Travel Forecasting: How Transportation Planning Practice Shaped Software, and Software Impacted Transportation Planning Practice
David Boyce and Hillel Bar-Gera

13. Sustainable Transportation Development and Travel Behavior
Yoram Shiftan and Daniel Shefer

14. Reinventing the Wheel: Planning the Rail Network to Meet the Mobility Needs of the 21st Century
Moshe Givoni and David Banister

15. Are Urban Transportation Benefits Absorbed Fully by Land Values?
Haim Aviram and Daniel Shefer

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