Teaching Entrepreneurship


Teaching Entrepreneurship

A Practice-Based Approach

9781782540557 Edward Elgar Publishing
Heidi M. Neck, Jeffry A. Timmons Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, Academic Director, Babson Academy for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurial Learning, Babson College, Patricia G. Greene, Professor Emeritus, Babson College and Candida G. Brush, Franklin W. Olin Professor of Entrepreneurship and Co-founder and Research Director- Diana International Research institute (DIRI) Babson College, US
Publication Date: 2014 ISBN: 978 1 78254 055 7 Extent: 352 pp
Teaching Entrepreneurship advocates teaching entrepreneurship using a portfolio of practices, including play, empathy, creation, experimentation, and reflection. Together these practices help students develop the competency to think and act entrepreneurially in order to create, find, and exploit opportunities of all kinds in a continuously changing and uncertain world. Offering a set of 42 exercises with detailed teaching notes, this book is written for those educators who want their students to develop a bias for action and who are willing to explore new approaches in their own classrooms.

‘Of course, entrepreneurship can be taught, and this books shows how. Using scholarly research as the foundation, the authors have crafted a set of practices to foster entrepreneurial thinking that should be incorporated in all courses across the entire curriculum.’
– Tina Seelig, Stanford University, US

‘Practice makes perfect and Babson professors Neck, Greene and Brush lead the way for global management education’s thirst for excellence in entrepreneurship education. Teaching Entrepreneurship is an excellent read and detailed guide for creating a strong program that inspires innovation and entrepreneurial strategies for business academics and practitioners.’
– John Fernandes, President and Chief Executive Officer, AACSB International

‘Teaching Entrepreneurship further validates how thoroughly Heidi, Patricia, and Candida understand the future of this incredibly vital field. The idea that aspiring entrepreneurs and their professors should be instructed in a method that increases their emotional intelligence and their business acumen is extraordinary. This is the book that the faculty at Paul Quinn College and I have been waiting for. That applause you hear in the background is our current and future students and the lives they will change through this version of entrepreneurship.’
– Michael J. Sorrell, President, Paul Quinn College, Dallas, US

‘Teaching entrepreneurship is really a challenge to educators around the world. Although much has been written about this topic, we are still searching for new methods and practical tools. This book is an important contribution to this issue, and I am sure that it will help educators to improve their classes and to engage their students.’
– Tales Andreassi, FGV-EAESP, São Paulo, Brazil

‘The arguments presented in this book will undoubtedly contribute significantly to increasing the legitimacy of entrepreneurship education as a practice-based method. This is partly due to the renowned reputations of the three authors, but more so because the contents speak so clearly to various forms of experiential education common within our field of practice. The care taken to assemble these arguments should be matched by the reader’s deep consideration of how these splendid ideas can be applied by every individual entrepreneurship educator. Every dedicated educator will benefit from this book.’
– Colin Jones, University of Tasmania, Australia

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Critical Acclaim
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Teaching Entrepreneurship moves entrepreneurship education from the traditional process view to a practice-based approach and advocates teaching entrepreneurship using a portfolio of practices, which includes play, empathy, creation, experimentation, and reflection. Together these practices help students develop the competency to think and act entrepreneurially in order to create, find, and exploit opportunities of all kinds in a continuously changing and uncertain world.

Divided into two parts, the book is written for those educators who want their students to develop a bias for action and who are willing to explore new approaches in their own classrooms. A set of 42 exercises with detailed teaching notes is also included to help educators effectively teach the practices in their curriculum.

Entrepreneurship educators will find a great deal of useful knowledge in this volume, which provides relevant, targeted exercises for immediate application in the classroom.
Critical Acclaim
''This book, written by experienced teachers of entrepreneurship in lucid language, becomes an authoritative sourcebook for learning entrepreneurship with a set of useful exercises to practice. It can be recommended for graduate programmes of entrepreneurship and science and technology studies.''
– Science and Public Policy

‘Of course, entrepreneurship can be taught, and this books shows how. Using scholarly research as the foundation, the authors have crafted a set of practices to foster entrepreneurial thinking that should be incorporated in all courses across the entire curriculum.’
– Tina Seelig, Stanford University, US

‘Practice makes perfect and Babson professors Neck, Greene and Brush lead the way for global management education’s thirst for excellence in entrepreneurship education. Teaching Entrepreneurship is an excellent read and detailed guide for creating a strong program that inspires innovation and entrepreneurial strategies for business academics and practitioners.’
– John Fernandes, President and Chief Executive Officer, AACSB International

‘Teaching Entrepreneurship further validates how thoroughly Heidi, Patricia, and Candida understand the future of this incredibly vital field. The idea that aspiring entrepreneurs and their professors should be instructed in a method that increases their emotional intelligence and their business acumen is extraordinary. This is the book that the faculty at Paul Quinn College and I have been waiting for. That applause you hear in the background is our current and future students and the lives they will change through this version of entrepreneurship.’
– Michael J. Sorrell, President, Paul Quinn College, Dallas, US
Contents: 1. Teaching Entrepreneurship as a Method that Requires Practice The Practices of Entrepreneurship Education: The Theory 2. The Practice of Play 3. The Practice of Empathy 4. The Practice of Creation 5. The Practice of Experimentation 6. The Practice of Reflection The Practices of Entrepreneurship Education: The Application 7. Exercises to Practice Play 8. Exercises to Practice Empathy 9. Exercises to Practice Creation 10. Exercises to Practice Experimentation 11. Exercises to Practice Reflection 12. A Final Note: The Practices Support Accreditation Index
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