Technology and International Relations


Technology and International Relations

The New Frontier in Global Power

9781788976060 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Giampiero Giacomello, Associate Professor of Political Science, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Francesco Niccolò Moro, Associate Professor of Political Science, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna and Marco Valigi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Publication Date: 2021 ISBN: 978 1 78897 606 0 Extent: 224 pp
Exploring how changes in advanced technology deeply affect international politics, this book theoretically engages with the overriding relevance of investments in technological research, and the ways in which they directly foster a country’s economic and military standing. Scholars and practitioners present important insights on the technical and social issues at the core of technology competition.

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Exploring how changes in advanced technology deeply affect international politics, this book theoretically engages with the overriding relevance of investments in technological research, and the ways in which they directly foster a country’s economic and military standing. Scholars and practitioners present important insights on the technical and social issues at the core of technology competition.

Technology and International Relations emphasizes the importance of leadership styles, domestic political agendas and the relative weight of technologically driven countries in global affairs. It highlights the now widely shared belief among both developed and developing countries that technology will be the defining factor in international politics. The book also unpacks the complexity of real-life cases of key technological advances, including artificial intelligence, UAVs, satellites and the responses of governments and the private sector to rising technological challenges.

This will be an important read for scholars of political science, international relations and international political economy, particularly those looking at the impact of technology and innovation.
Critical Acclaim
‘The collective volume entitled Technology and International Relations: The New Frontier in Global Power reunites a group of specialists in contemporary technological developments with impact in international relations and addresses the topic of technology as source of empowerment in the near future global power starting from the recognition of the current paramount importance of technology in the exercise and concentration of power (and wealth) in our world.’
– Henrieta Serban, Nordicum-Mediterraneum

‘The book provides a fresh view on the interdependencies between technology and international relations that could be useful far beyond the traditional domain of political science. It is a must-read for scholars interested in the cross-disciplinary aspects of the subject, including artificial intelligence, drones and critical information infrastructure.’
– Gianluca Pescaroli, University College London, UK

‘Accessible and informative, Technology and International Relations achieves very well its main objective – to outline and analyse the technologies that are helping to shape the new international order.’
– New Zealand International Review
Contributors: D. Amoroso, L. Anselmo, M. Colajanni, J. Eriksson, G. Giacomello, S. Kreps, A. Locatelli, M. Marchetti, L. Martino, S. Maxey, F. Merenda, F.N. Moro, L.M. Newlove-Eriksson, G. Tamburrini, M. Valigi


Introduction: Technology and International Relations – The New
Frontier in Global Power viii
Giampiero Giacomello, Francesco Niccolò Moro and Marco Valigi

1 Theorizing technology and international relations:
prevailing perspectives and new horizons 3
Johan Eriksson and Lindy M. Newlove-Eriksson
2 Mapping technological innovation 23
Francesco Niccolò Moro and Marco Valigi
3 Autonomy in weapons systems and its meaningful human
control: a differentiated and prudential approach 45
Daniele Amoroso and Guglielmo Tamburrini

4 Context matters: the transformative nature of drones on the
battlefield 68
Sarah Kreps and Sarah Maxey
5 Artificial intelligence: a paradigm shift in international law
and politics? Autonomous weapon systems as a case study 89
Luigi Martino and Federica Merenda

6 The use of space and satellites: problems and challenges 109
Luciano Anselmo
7 Cyber attacks and defenses: current capabilities and future trends 132
Michele Colajanni and Mirco Marchetti
8 Critical infrastructure protection 152
Andrea Locatelli
9 A perfect storm: privatization, public–private partnership
and the security of critical infrastructure 173
Giampiero Giacomello

Index 193
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