Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology


Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology

9781803921228 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Maria Grasso, Professor of Political Science and Political Sociology, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London, UK and Marco Giugni, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations and Director, Institute of Citizenship Studies (InCite), University of Geneva, Switzerland
Publication Date: 2023 ISBN: 978 1 80392 122 8 Extent: 722 pp
This comprehensive and authoritative Encyclopedia, featuring entries written by academic experts in the field, explores the diverse topics within the discipline of political sociology. By looking at both macro- and micro-components, questions relating to nation-states, political institutions and their development, and the sources of social and political change such as social movements and other forms of contentious politics, are raised and critically analysed.

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This comprehensive and authoritative Encyclopedia, featuring entries written by academic experts in the field, explores the diverse topics within the discipline of political sociology. By looking at both macro- and micro-components, questions relating to nation-states, political institutions and their development, and the sources of social and political change such as social movements and other forms of contentious politics, are raised and critically analysed.

The Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology highlights the key questions relating to political sociology through demonstrating that issues concerning power and political conflict, as well as the relationship between societies and states, are critical for understanding contemporary political and social contexts. The entries also shed light on the current position of this interdisciplinary field of study, which sits at the interface between political science and sociology, and consider its aims in addressing those aspects that pertain to the critical interplay between factors relating to both fields.

A timely and stimulating reference work, this Encyclopedia will be a key resource for researchers and students in the field of political sociology, political science and theory, social policy, social theory, and public policy, providing both an excellent entry point for study as well as an essential reference tool for more experienced academics.

Key Features:

● Discusses major approaches and theories
● Summarises key topics in over 160 entries
● Includes entries on key historical thinkers and concepts
● Presents frontier areas across the discipline for future research work
Critical Acclaim
‘It is no easy task assembling an Encyclopedia of political sociology which needs, at the same time, to be comprehensive and authoritative. This is both in equal respect. A major reference point and a significant statement as to the identity of political sociology today.’
– Colin Hay, Sciences Po, Paris, France

‘This outstanding Encyclopedia will stand as the most comprehensive and authoritative contemporary survey of political sociology for many years to come. Editors Maria Grasso and Marco Giugni have done an exceptional job in assembling a truly international team of leading scholars to cover a wide and growing subfield of research and scholarship.’
– Jeff Manza, New York University, US

‘Providing an invaluable guide to contemporary political sociology, by a range of foremost contributors, this comprehensive Encyclopedia will be an essential point of research reference for scholars and students.’
– Pippa Norris, Harvard University, US
Contributors: Kathrin Ackerman, Tawnya Adkins Covert, Rohan Advani, Sadiya Akram, Claudia Alegre, Hager Ali, Bruno Amable, Edwin Amenta, Johannes Angermuller, Kai Arzheimer, David Attewell, Leo Azzollini, Lucio Baccaro, Simone Baglioni, Francesco Bailo, Frank Bandau, Bassi, David Beetham, Paolo Bellucci, Berch Berberoglu, Mabel Berezin, Judith Bessant, Sandro Bieri, Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz, Johanna Bockman, Matthijs Bogaards, Lorenzo Bosi, Shelley Boulianne, Henry Brady, John Brooke, Nadia Brown, Kaylin Bourdon, Michael Buckley, Craig Calhoun, Sarah Cameron, David Campbell, Romana Careja, Fernando Casal Bértoa, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Grace Chikoto-Schultz, Jan Cieciuch, Manlio Cinalli, Elisabeth Clemens, Jessica Cobian, Claire Colomb, Ramona Coman, Kennia Coronado, Catherine Corrigall-Brown, Christian Davenport, Eldad Davidov, Bryson Davis, Wyatt Dawson, Fabio de Nardis, Donatella della Porta, Daniel Devine, Michael Dobbins, Natalie J. Doyle, Karine Duplan, Linet R. Durmuşoğlu, Jennifer Earl, Barry Eidlin, Tom Einhorn, Rainer Eisfeld, Knut Ove Eliassen, Venessa Ercole, Geoff Evans, Jalal Fetrati, Helena Flam, Michele Ford, Francesca Forno, Marta Fraile, Roberto Franzosi, Markus Freitag, Bruno S. Frey, Selina Gallo-Cruz, Dustin Garlitz, Nathalie Giger, Carol Gilligan, Alberta Giorgi, Achim Goerres, Andreas C. Goldberg, Jeff Goodwin, Maria Grasso, Dylan Gray, Liah Greenfeld, Marcia Grimes, Leticia Haro, Anthony Heath, Kevin Hewison, Christine Hobden, Lindsay Hoffman, Nathalie Hofstetter, Marc Hooghe, Matthew Humphrey, Anders Hylmö, Karin Ingold, Rina James, Mathias Hein Jessen, Bob Jessop, Hank Johnston, Sebastian Jungkunz, Arne Kalleberg, Niilo Kauppi, Oleksandra Keudel, Palina Kolvani, Stefan Kruse, Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Gregor Kungl, Anna Kyriazi, Rafael Pablo Labanino, Christian Lahusen, Oscar Larsson, Sandra Laugier, Zoe Lefkofridi, Vanessa Lemm, Jesse Lindley, Natasha Lindstaedt, Måns Robert Lundstedt, Nathan Ly, Robert MacDonald, Amanda Machin, Oliver Marchart, Paul Marx, Alexandra Maryanski, Rose McDermott, John D. McCarthy, Michael McCarthy, Ali Meghji, David S. Meyer, Tariq Modood, Louis Moser, Rebecca Murray, Daniela Musina, Pierre Musso, Alessandro Nai, Kenneth Nelson, Sharon Erickson Nepstad, Marina Nistotskaya, Brian Nolan, Matthew Norton, Michael Ohsfeldt, Martin Okolikj, Christian Olsson, Olga Onuch, Karl-Dieter Opp, Jennifer Oser, Kassra Oskooii, Ringo Ossewaarde, Marius Ostrowski, Diana Owen, Kari Palonen, Louisa Parks, Elena Pavan, Efrén Pérez, Yvette Peters, Emmanuel Pierru, Laurence Piper, Alain Policar, Francesca Polletta, Jonas Pontusson, Leonardo Puleo, Sverre Raffnsøe, Nathan Redman, Toni Rodon, Juan Rodríguez Teruel, Jörg Rössel, Silke Roth, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, John Rundell, Alexander Ruser, Jens Rydgren, Shamit Saggar, Arthur Sakamoto, Jean-François Savard, Kay Lehman Schlozman, Christian Schneickert, Aaron Schutz, Pascal Sciarini, Sam Scovill, Thomas Sealy, Nicolas Sembel, Laura Sjoberg, Christine M. Slaughter, Julie Smith, Naomi Snider, Marco Steenbergen, Laura Stoker, Francesco Stolfi, Julia Strauss, Francesco Strazzari, Kristin Strømsnes, Paula Surridge, Simon Susen, Ryan Switzer, Seetha Tan, Jan Teorell, Matteo Tiratelli, Raül Tormos, Jonathan Turner, Vicente Valentim, Chiara Valli, Wouter van der Brug, Nella Van Dyke, Emilie Van Haute, Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Frédéric Varone, Sofia Vasilopoulou, Francesca Vassallo, Francisco Villamil, Chiara Visentin, Jelle Visser, Rens Vliegenthart, Lars Vogel, Viktor Orri Valgarðsson, Giorgio Volpe, Katerina Vrablikova, Amentahru Wahlrab, Edward Walker, Rob Watts, Nadja Wehl, Amy Wendling, Magnus Wennerhag, Paul Whiteley, Jon Whooley, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Dana Williams, Lesley Wood, Lorenzo Zamponi, Margaret Zeddies, Sebahattin Ziyanak

Introduction to the Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology xx
Maria Grasso and Marco Giugni
1 Age and generation 1
Achim Goerres
2 Alienation 5
Amy Wendling and Rebecca Murray
3 Anarchism 9
Dana M. Williams
4 Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes 14
Natasha Lindstaedt
5 Biopolitics 18
Knut Ove Eliassen and Sverre Raffnsøe
6 Bourdieu, Pierre 22
Craig Calhoun
7 Bureaucracy 26
Marina Nistotskaya and Palina Kolvani
8 Capitalism 30
Bruno Amable
9 Citizenship 34
Christine Hobden and Laurence Piper
10 Civic engagement 38
Kristin Strømsnes
11 Civic voluntarism 42
Henry E. Brady
12 Civil disobedience 47
Sandra Laugier
13 Civil society 53
Simone Baglioni
14 Civil wars 56
Francisco Villamil
15 Class 59
Magnus Wennerhag and Anders Hylmö
16 Class consciousness and class struggle 63
Berch Berberoglu
17 Class voting 67
Geoffrey Evans
18 Cleavages 71
David Attewell and Marco R. Steenbergen
19 Clientelism 75
Francesco Stolfi
20 Coalition formation 78
Anna Bassi
21 Collective action 82
Nella Van Dyke
22 Comparative-historical sociology 86
Barry Eidlin
23 Comparative political economy 91
Jonas Pontusson and Lucio Baccaro
24 Comparative political sociology 95
Kai Arzheimer
25 Conflict theory 99
Jörg Rössel
26 Constructivism 103
Michael Buckley
27 Contentious politics 107
Kaylin Bourdon and David S. Meyer
28 Corporatism and neo-corporatism 111
Michael Dobbins and Rafael Pablo Labanino
29 Decommodification 115
Kenneth Nelson
30 Democracy 118
Natalie J. Doyle
31 Democratization 123
Jan Teorell
32 De Tocqueville, Alexis 127
Marinus Ossewaarde
33 Discrimination 131
Kassra A.R. Oskooii
34 Durkheim, Emile 134
Nicolas Sembel
35 Economic voting 138
Martin Okolikj
36 Emotions 142
Helena Flam
37 Empowerment 147
Aaron Schutz
38 Environmentalism 151
Amanda Machin and Alexander Ruser
39 Ethnicity 154
Shamit Saggar
40 Ethnocentrism 158
Wouter van der Brug and Linet R. Durmuşoğlu
41 Europeanization 162
Anna Kyriazi
42 Euroscepticism 166
Sofia Vasilopoulou
43 Exploitation 169
Arthur Sakamoto and Michael Ohsfeldt
44 Extreme right 174
Jens Rydgren and Ryan Switzer
45 Factionalism 177
Matthijs Bogaards and Hager Ali
46 Feminism 181
Christine M. Slaughter, Kennia L. Coronado, and Nadia E. Brown
47 Field theory 185
Gregor Kungl
48 Foucault, Michel 188
Vanessa Lemm and Venessa Ercole
49 Framing/frame analysis 192
Louisa Parks
50 Frankfurt School 195
Dustin Garlitz
51 Functionalism 199
Jonathan H. Turner and Alexandra Maryanski
52 Gender 204
Silke Roth
53 Globalization 208
Amentahru Wahlrab
54 Governance 212
Ramona Coman and Leonardo Puleo
55 Governmentality 216
Mathias Hein Jessen
56 Gramsci, Antonio 219
Fabio de Nardis
57 Group consciousness 222
Jacquelien van Stekelenburg
58 Identity 226
Francesca Polletta, Dylan Gray, and Nathan Redman
59 Ideology 229
Mathew Humphrey and Marius S. Ostrowski
60 Inequality (political) 234
Paul Marx
61 Institutionalism 237
Edwin Amenta
62 Interest groups 241
Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz
63 Intersectionality 244
Karine Duplan
64 Left/right 249
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