Sustainable Development Goals
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Climate Economics
Richard S.J. Tol
This thoroughly revised third edition offers comprehensive coverage of the economics of climate change and climate policy, and is a suitable guide for advanced undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students. Topics discussed include ...eBook:Find out more$42.36
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Basic Income
Malcolm Torry
Presenting a truly comprehensive history of Basic Income, Malcolm Torry explores the evolution of the concept of a regular unconditional income for every individual, as well as examining other types of income as they relate to its histor...eBook:Find out more$35.16
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Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty
Edited by Martha F. Davis, Morten Kjaerum, Amanda Lyons
This important Research Handbook explores the nexus between human rights, poverty and inequality as a critical lens for understanding and addressing key challenges of the coming decades, including the objectives set out in the Sustainabl...eBook:Find out more$58.36
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Handbook on Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development
Edited by Walter Leal Filho, Amanda Lange Salvia, Fernanda Frankenberger
Exploring the important role of education in both pursuing and implementing sustainable development, this timely Handbook highlights how teaching methods at schools and universities can impact the future. It looks at ways not only to inf...eBook:Find out more$58.36
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A Modern Guide to Wellbeing Research
Edited by Beverley A. Searle, Jessica Pykett, Maria J. Alfaro-Simmonds
This insightful Modern Guide explores heterodox approaches to modern wellbeing research, with a specific focus on how wellbeing is understood and practised, exploring policies and actions which are taken to shape wellbeing. It evaluates ...eBook:Find out more$39.16
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Transforming Energy Systems
Steven Fries
Recognizing the urgent need to transform energy systems to low-carbon alternatives, this timely book offers evidenced and credible ways to accelerate actions towards meeting the Paris Agreement goals and achieving net zero emissions. Ste...eBook:Find out more$39.16
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Handbook of Digital Inequality
Edited by Eszter Hargittai
This cutting-edge Handbook offers fresh perspectives on the key topics related to the unequal use of digital technologies. Considering the ways in which technologies are employed, variations in conditions under which people use digital m...eBook:Find out more$52.76
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Advanced Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction
Douglas Paton
With disasters increasing in both frequency and intensity, this timely Advanced Introduction provides a fresh perspective on how the concepts established in the Sendai Framework can be put into practice to reduce disaster risk, improve p...eBook:Find out more$25.96
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Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries
Edited by Duncan French, Louis J. Kotzé
This comprehensive Research Handbook is the first study to link law and Earth system science through the epistemic lens of the planetary boundaries framework. It critically examines the legal and governance aspects of the framework, cons...eBook:Find out more$49.56
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Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners
Edited by Anna Spenceley
Offering how-to tools and step-by-step guidance, this practical Handbook combines academic insight with extensive professional experience to outline best practice in undertaking environmental, socio-cultural and economic assessments that...eBook:Find out more$55.96
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Pioneering Family Firms’ Sustainable Development Strategies
Edited by Pramodita Sharma, Sanjay Sharma
This book describes the sustainable development journey of 15 business families committed to using their enterprises as a force of societal good. In turn, each family reaps benefits of high economic returns, while contributing to society...eBook:Find out more$45.56
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Handbook on Gender in Asia
Edited by Shirlena Huang, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura
The Handbook on Gender in Asia critically examines, through a gender perspective, five broad themes of significance to Asia: the ‘Theory and Practice’ of researching in Asia; ‘Gender, Ageing and Health’; ‘Gender and Labour’; ‘Gendered Mi...eBook:Find out more$49.56