The Civic University


The Civic University

The Policy and Leadership Challenges

9781784717711 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by John Goddard, Emeritus Professor and formerly Deputy Vice Chancellor, Newcastle University, UK, Ellen Hazelkorn, Partner, BH Associates, Professor Emerita, Technological University Dublin, Ireland and Joint Editor, Policy Reviews in Higher Education, Louise Kempton, Professor for Urban and Regional Policy, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University, UK and Paul Vallance, Research Associate, Wales Centre for Public Policy, Cardiff Business School, UK
Publication Date: 2016 ISBN: 978 1 78471 771 1 Extent: 352 pp
This innovative book addresses the leadership and management challenges of maximising the contribution of universities to civil society both locally and globally. It does this by developing a model of the civic university as an academic concept, drawing out practical lessons for university management on how to embed civic engagement in the heartland of the university. To this end, the contributors compare experiences and reports on a developmental process in eight institutions: University College London and Newcastle University in the UK, Amsterdam and Groningen Universities in the Netherlands, Aalto and Tampere Universities in Finland and Trinity College Dublin and Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland. It will be of interest to academics of politics, public policy and management studies, as well as having relevance to policymakers in the field.

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By exploring a normative model of universities as institutions with a responsibility to contribute to the public good, this book addresses the leadership, management and public policy challenges of maximizing higher education’s contribution to civil society. It codifies the extensive academic literature in this field and reviews higher education and other public policies that both drive and inhibit civic engagement both globally and locally.

Comparing experiences and reports of an institutional developmental process undertaken in eight distinctive universities in four European countries and guided by the editors the book explores key questions such as: what is the Civic University, and how can we use this concept to understand higher education’s engagement with the outside world in varying institutional and geographical contexts? What are the appropriate internal structures and mechanisms required for a university to effectively encourage and support civic engagement activity for the greatest societal impact? How can embedding civic engagement in individual institutions and wider systems be facilitated by changes in higher education and related policies at the sub-national, national and European level?

Succinct and discerning, The Civic University will be of great interest to academics working in the fields of higher education, science and innovation studies and community and city development. It will also appeal to university leaders and organisers of institutional leadership development programmes along with city leaders and policy makers at national and international levels.
Critical Acclaim
‘The “civic university” is due for a comeback – if it ever went away. Historically, of course, it formed the bedrock of higher education – the great Victorian foundations in the north and midlands of England, the land-grant universities in the United States. But more recently they (or, more accurately, their values) have been shouted down by the drumbeat discourse of “world-class” universities. This book offers an overdue correction, a celebration of civic and community engagement as a fundamental responsibility of the contemporary university.’
– Sir Peter Scott, UCL Institute of Education, UK

‘Universities need to rethink what it means to be a public university in the 21st century, in part because of the loss of public funding and function but also because they need to make themselves relevant to the global challenges that threaten the future of humankind. This reformulation of an old idea, the civic university, challenges us to ensure that through teaching, research and civic engagement, university managers, staff and students place universities at the centre of the local-regional-global nexus, working on all three levels in order to make a difference. The civic university is a value statement as much as a new way of organising higher education; it is about encouraging universities to have souls, to nurture a normative commitment to improve the lives of communities, regions and nations.’
– John D. Brewer, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland

‘This book provides a welcome and highly relevant analysis of civic universities–academic institutions with particularly strong ties to their cities and regions in terms of research, teaching and civic engagement. These universities are especially relevant in the 21st century, and often forgotten by analysts and policy makers alike who are too busy chasing rankings. The conceptual framework as well as the case studies included in this book are equally valuable.’
– Philip Altbach, Boston College, US

‘The (re)discovery of the Civic University mission is a welcome admission that universities are once again engaging with the cities in which they are located and shedding the pretence that they are placeless institutions. Drawing on 8 institutions in 4 countries, this book offers a fresh and admirably succinct analysis of the tensions inherent in the academy as universities try to strike a judicious balance between their traditional research and teaching missions and the ethical imperatives of a civic mission that has been rekindled by today’s societal challenges.’
– Kevin Morgan, Cardiff University, UK

Contributors: J.-P.D. Addie, E. Ahonen, S. Allwright, C. Bates, J. Bernard, H. Borg, A. Brentjes, C. Brink, S. Cameron-Coen, A.J.B.E. Galema, J. Goddard, E. Hazelkorn, S. Hinderdael, J. Hogan, L. Kempton, S. Laukkanen, M. Markkula, H.A.J. Mulder, J. Paskins, M. Raevaara, M. Sotarauta, S. Steenbeek, P. Vallance


Part I: Why the Civic University?
1. Introduction: Why the Civic University?
John Goddard, Ellen Hazelkorn, Louise Kempton and Paul Vallance

2. The Historical Roots and Development of the Civic University
Paul Vallance

3. Contemporary Debates Part I: Theorising Civic Engagement
Ellen Hazelkorn

4. Contemporary Debates Part II: Initiatives, and Governance and Organisational Structures
Ellen Hazelkorn

5. National Higher Education Systems and Civic Universities
John Goddard

Part II: The Civic Universities
6. Leading a Fundamentally Detuned Choir: University of Tampere, Finland – A Civic University?
Markku Sotarauta

7. Aalto University – Art and Science Meet Technology and Business
Martti Raevaara, Seppo Laukkanen, Markku Markkula and Esa Ahonen

8. From Colonisation to Collaboration: Challenges of Repositioning Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Within its Community
Simone Cameron-Coen and Shane Allwright

9. Dublin Institute of Technology – Moving, Merging, and Managing the Civic Engagement Mission
Julie Bernard and Catherine Bates

10. The University of Groningen: An Engaging University
Han Borg, Annemieke J.B.E. Galema, Henk A.J. Mulder and Simone Steenbeek

11. The Civic University in Amsterdam
Arne Brentjes and Selma Hinderdael

12. Newcastle University and the Development of the Concept of a World-class Civic University
Chris Brink and John Hogan

13. University College London: Leveraging the Civic Capacity of ‘London’s Global University’
Jean-Paul D. Addie and James Paskins

Part III: The Leadership and Management Challenges
14. Institutional Challenges and Tensions
Louise Kempton

15. Postscript: The Civic University as a Normative Model?
John Goddard, Ellen Hazelkorn, Louise Kempton and Paul Vallance

Appendix A: Key institutional data
Appendix B: Tools for understanding the civic university


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