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Microsoft on Trial: Legal and Economic Analysis of a Transatlantic Antitrust Case by L. Rubini
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Please see the below supporting files for this title, organised by chapter.
- 1 - EC Commission Decision
- 1 US Apple
- 2 EC Comm Decision Summary
- 2 US Caldera
- 3 EC President of the CFI
- 3 US Aldridge
- 4 EC Rep for Hearing
- 4 US Sun v Microsoft
- 5 EC Rep for Hearing
- 5 US Microsoft v Lindows
- 6 EC CFI Decision
- 6 US Microsoft Antitrust
- 7 EC Art 24 1 Decision
- 7 US Msoft Novell v Msoft
- 8 EC Art 24 2 Decision
- 8 US Novell v Microsoft
- 9 EC Second Art 24 2
- 9 US in Re Microsoft Sun
- 10 EC Appeal of Comm Fine
- 10 US US v Microsoft 159 Frd
- 11 EC Memo 09 15 EN
- 11 US US v Microsoft 53 F3D
- 12 EC Commission Decision
- 12 US US v Microsoft Corp
- 13 EC IP-10-216 EN
- 13 US US v Microsoft Corp
- 14 US US v Microsoft Corp WL
- 15 US Findings of Fact
- 16 US Conclusions of Law
- 17 US Memo and Order
- 18 US Final Judgement
- 19 US Appeal
- 20 US Public Interest
- 21 US Settlement
- 22 US Request for Remedy
- 23 US Remedy
- 24 US Second Appeal