Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Local Development


Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Local Development

Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research

9781847203274 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Luca Iandoli, Associate Dean for Global Programs and Research and Professor of Computer Science, St. John’s University, New York, US, Hans Landström, Professor Emeritus in Business Administration, Lund University, Sweden and the late Mario Raffa, formerly University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Publication Date: November 2007 ISBN: 978 1 84720 327 4 Extent: 296 pp
This book draws together leading academics to provide a state-of-the-art overview of the key challenges to entrepreneurship in Europe.

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This book draws together leading academics to provide a state-of-the-art overview of the key challenges to entrepreneurship in Europe.

Relationships between entrepreneurship, competitiveness and local development are assessed from various perspectives, and the important role played by entrepreneurs and small firms in fostering economic development in emerging as well as in developed countries is explored. Topics included within these parameters are venture capital, start-ups, entry barriers, the role of gender, refugee entrepreneurship and technological entrepreneurship.

Researchers and scholars focusing on the areas of entrepreneurship and small business management will find much to interest them within this book, as will policy-makers involved in the promotion and support of local development and entrepreneurship.
Critical Acclaim
‘The book is theoretically rich and each chapter provides researchers with a plethora of up-to-date reference lists on each of the topics and issues explored. Throughout the book, a very high standard of empirical work is reported and important theoretical and methodological issues are addressed. . . it is a praiseworthy source of reference for entrepreneurship educators, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers equally, and would be a commendable addition to any library’s collection.’
– Panagiotis Piperopoulos, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research

‘This book has interesting topical issues on entrepreneurship with a discussion of a wide range of literature in the area. . . one of the strengths of the book is its theoretical contribution to the discussion of international entrepreneurship.’
– Saleem Sheikh, International Company and Commercial Law Review
Contributors: E. Aculai, F. Bertoni, S. Bruyneel, M. Carree, M.G. Colombo, P. de Jong-‘t Hart, S.G. Dijkstra, R. Dömötör, J. Gabrielsson, P. Gibcus, L. Grilli, C. Hader, L. Iandoli, N. Isakova, R. Kemp, J. Lambrecht, H. Landström, C. Lutz, C. O’Gorman, L. Peeters, D. Politis, T.J.B.M. Postma, M. Raffa, D. Smallbone, R. Stratling, S. Terjesen, L. Uhlaner, J. van Santen, B. Wauters, F. Welter, F.H. Wijbenga

David Smallbone

Introduction: Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Local Development
Luca Iandoli, Hans Hans Landström and Mario Raffa

1. Venture Capital Financing and the Growth of New Technology-based Firms: What Comes First?
Fabio Bertoni, Massimo G. Colombo and Luca Grilli

2. Unemployment in a Model of Entrepreneurship in Belgium: Empirical Evidence from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
Stijn Bruyneel, Martin Carree and Ludo Peeters

3. Do Entry Barriers, Perceived by SMEs, Affect Real Entry? Some Evidence from the Netherlands
S. Gerhard Dijkstra, Ron Kemp and Clemens Lutz

4. Traits Versus Attitudes in Predicting Future Entrepreneurship
Rudolf Dömötör and Christopher Hader

5. Prediction or Control? Exploring the Influence of Career Experience and Career Motives on Entrepreneurial Decision Making
Jonas Gabrielsson and Diamanto Politis

6. Start-ups in the Netherlands: A Longitudinal Study on the Factors for Growth
Petra Gibcus, Pauline de Jong-‘t Hart and Ron Kemp

7. A Gender Analysis of the Supply of, and Demand for, New Venture Finance in Ireland
Siri Terjesen and Colm O’Gorman

8. Organization Context and Knowledge Management in SMEs: A Study of Dutch Technology-based Firms
Lorraine Uhlaner and Jerry van Santen

9. Refugee Entrepreneurship: The Case of Belgium
Bram Wauters and Johan Lambrecht

10. The Role of Gender for Entrepreneurship in a Transition Context
Friederike Welter, David Smallbone, Nina Isakova and Elena Aculai

11. The Impact of the Venture Capitalists’ Service and Monitoring Activities on Control Systems and Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms
Frits H. Wijbenga, Theo J.B.M. Postma and Rebecca Stratling

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