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Series editor: Josef Drexl, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Germany
Series editors: Douglas Arner, Xian Chu Zhang and Chin Leng Lim, University of Hong Kong
Series editor: Daniel J. Gervais, Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University, US
Series editor: Christophe Geiger, Professor of Law, Director General and Director of the Research Department, Centre for International Intellect (...)
Series editor: Mark Tushnet, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, US and Paul Craig, Professor of English Law, St. John (...)
Series editors: Kevin Keasey, Leeds University Business School and Mike Wright, Imperial College London, UK and University of Ghent, Belgium
Series editor: Jonathan Macey, Yale University, US
Series editor: Janet Dine, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Series editor: Robert P. Merges, University of California, Berkeley, US
Series editors: Richard A. Posner, Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago Law (...)
Series editors: Chris Backes, Professor of Environmental Law, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Moritz Reese, Helmholtz Centre for Environmen (...)
Series editor: Iris H.-Y. Chiu, Professor of Corporate Law and Financial Regulation, University College London, UK
Series editor: Ellen Hey, Professor of Public International Law, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Series editor: Gilles Cuniberti, Professor of Comparative and Private International Law, University of Luxembourg
Series editor: Valsamis Mitsilegas, Professor of European and Global Law and Dean, School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool, UK
Series editor: William A. Schabas, Middlesex University, London, UK
Series editor: Nigel D. White, School of Law, University of Nottingham, UK
Series editor: Jens M. Scherpe, Professor of Comparative Law, Aalborg University, Denmark, and Emeritus Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Univ (...)
Series editor: Aidan Robertson QC, Brick Court Chambers, UK
Series editor: Michael Faure, Maastricht University and Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Founding editor: The late John Usher, formerly of the University of Exeter, UK
Series editor: Jeffrey Golden KC (Hon), Arbitrator and Mediator, Joint Head of Chambers, 3 Hare Court; Founder and Chair Emeritus of the P.R.I.M (...)
Series editor: Takis Tridimas, Chair of European Law at King’s College, London, UK
Series editor: Peter K. Yu, Regents Professor of Law and Communication and Director of the Center for Law and Intellectual Property at Texas A&M (...)
Series editors: Trevor Cook, Bird & Bird LLP, London, UK and Johanna Gibson, Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, UK
Series editors: Alan O. Sykes, New York University School of Law, US, Andrew D. Mitchell, Monash University, Australia and Freya Baetens, Univer (...)
Series editors: Andrea K. Bjorklund, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada and August Reinisch, University of Vienna, Austria
Series editors: Nicholas Tsagourias, Professor of International Law and Russell Buchan, Senior Lecturer in International Law, University of Shef (...)
Series Editor: Jacob Katz Cogan, University of Cincinnati, US
Series editor: Kuk Cho, Seoul National University, Korea
Series editor: Christoph Schmid, Centre of European Law and Politics, Bremen University, Germany
Series editors: Robin Paul Malloy, Syracuse University and Shubha Ghosh, University of Wisconsin Law School, US
Series editors: Rosalind Dixon, University of New South Wales, Australia, Susan Rose-Ackerman, Yale University and Mark Tushnet, Harvard Univers (...)
Series editors: Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Professor of Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law, University of Oxford, UK , Rochelle C. D (...)
Series editors: Franco Ferrari, Professor of Law, Executive Director, Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law, New Y (...)
series editor: Jonathan Verschuuren, Professor of International and European Environmental Law, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Series editor: Christian Twigg-Flesner, School of Law, University of Warwick, UK
Series editor: Herwig C.H. Hofmann, Professor of European and Transnational Public Law, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance and Robert Schuman (...)
Series editor: Amandine Garde, University of Liverpool, UK
Series Editors: Alison Brysk, Distinguished Professor, Department of Global Studies and Political Science, University of California, Santa Barba (...)
Series editor: Barbara Stark, Professor of Law and Hofstra Research Scholar, Hofstra University, US
Series editor: Adelle Blackett, Professor of Law, Canada Research Chair in Transnational Labour Law and Development and Director of the Labour L (...)
Series Editor: Susan Herman, Brooklyn Law School, US
Series editor: Justin Levitt, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, US
Series editor: Roger Brownsword, King's College London, UK
Series editors: John Harrington, Professor of Law, Cardiff University, Wales, Celine Tan, Reader in Law and Associate Professor, University of W (...)
Series editor: Wojciech Sadurski, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, Australia
Series editor: Gerrit De Geest, Washington University, St. Louis, US
Series Editor: Gerry Nagtzaam, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia
Series editors: Manuel Desantes, University of Alicante, Spain, Josef Drexl, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax (...)
Series editors: Roberto Caranta, Turin University, Italy, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, University of Lapland, Finland and François Lichére, University o (...)
Series editors: Rainer Hofmann, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany, Christian J. Tams, University of Glasgow, UK and Stephan (...)
Series editors: Thierry Vansweevelt, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp, Belgium and Nicola Glover-Thomas, School of Law, University of Manch (...)
Series editors: Jan Smits, Maastricht University, The Netherlands and University of Helsinki, Finland and Nuno Garoupa, Antonin Scalia Law Schoo (...)
Series editor: Johanna Gibson, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Series editor: Sarah Joseph, Griffith Law School, Griffith University, Australia
Series editor: Matthew Rimmer, The Australian National University College of Law, Australia
Series editors: Sandra Seubert, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Marcel Hoogenboom, Trudie Knijn, Sybe de Vries and Frans van Waard (...)
Series editor: Dinah L. Shelton, Manatt/Ahn Professor of Law Emeritus, George Washington University Law School, US and Former Member of the Inte (...)
Series editors: Matthias Mahlmann, Chair of Philosophy and Theory of Law, Legal Sociology and International Public Law, Faculty of Law, Universi (...)
Edited by Fabrizio Cafaggi, Professor of Comparative Law and Director, Centre for Judicial Cooperation, European University Institute, Italy (on (...)
Series editors: Peter Drahos, Professor of Law and Governance, European University Institute, Florence, Gustavo Ghidini, Professor Emeritus, Uni (...)
Series editor: Jan Wouters, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Series editors: Gustavo Ghidini, University of Milan and LUISS Guido Carli University, Emanuela Arezzo, LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy, Roc (...)
Series editor: Steven Anderman, University of Essex, UK Co-founding editor: the late Rudolph J.R. Peritz, formerly New York Law School, US
Series editors: Kurt Deketelaere, LERU Office, Belgium and Zen Makuch, Imperial College London, UK
Series editors: Christine Greenhalgh, Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre, University of Oxford, Robert Pitkethly, Oxford Intellectual (...)
Series editors: Gerrit De Geest, Washington University in St. Louis, US, Roger Van den Bergh, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands and (...)
Series Editors: Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Professor of Public International Law, Queen Mary, University of London, Agnes Viktoria Rydberg, Departmen (...)
Series editor: Symeon C. Symeonides, Alex L. Parks Distinguished Chair in Law and Dean Emeritus, Willamette University, US and Member, Institut (...)
Series editor: Fabrizio Cafaggi, European University Institute, Italy
Series editors: Uma Suthersanen, Queen Mary, University of London, Graham Dutfield, University of Leeds and Ilanah Simon Fhima, University Colle (...)
Series editor: Jichun Shi, Editor in Chief, The Jurist and Renmin University of China Law School, China
Series editor: Jonathan Verschuuren, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Series editors: Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago, US
Series editor: Francesco Parisi, University of Minnesota, US and University of Bologna, Italy and Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago, US
Series editor: Randall S. Thomas, John S. Beasley II Professor of Law and Business, Vanderbilt University Law School, US
Series editor: Nigel Lowe, Emeritus Professor, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, UK
Series editor: Rosa Maria Lastra, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Series editor: Jeremy Phillips, Formerly Intellectual Property Consultant, Olswang LLP, co-founder, IPKat weblog and Social Media Consultant, MARQUES
Series editors: Richard A. Posner, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and University of Chicago Law School, US and Francesco (...)
Series editor: Robin West, Georgetown University, US and Alexander Maine, City, University of London, UK
Series editor: Austin D. Sarat, Amherst College, Massachusetts, US and Rosemary Hunter, University of Kent, UK
Series Editor: Paul Roberts, Professor of Criminal Jurisprudence, University of Nottingham, UK and Adjunct Professor of Law, China University of (...)
Series editors: Emmanuel Lazega, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris/Sciences Po, France, Rafael Wittek, University of Groningen, the Netherla (...)
Series editors: Kasey McCall-Smith, Senior Lecturer in Public International Law, School of Law, University of Edinburgh, UK, Ingrid Westendorp, (...)
Series editor: Francesco Parisi, Oppenheimer Wolff and Donnelly Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School, US and Professor of Econom (...)
Series Editor: Janet Milne, Professor of Law and Director, Environmental Tax Policy Institute, Vermont Law School, US
Founding editors: Kurt Deketelaere, LERU Office, Belgium and Zen Makuch, Imperial College London, UK Editorial Board: Editors in Chief: Zen M (...)
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